e-government in France ETSI, March 31, 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Overview Governmental actions to improve Internet ADAE, a specific agency ADELE Program e-gov in Ministry of Interior e-Health MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
French government program : RE/SO 2007 The French government program was introduced by the Prime Minister in October 2002. Second phase of the e-Administration. A priority is given to the dematerialization of the administrative procedures, starting with the most popular ones. The Prime Minister asks each ministry to carry out per annum the dematerialization of two procedures. MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 RE/SO 2007 mains actions (1) New legal framework to improve competition Assistance to create new companies (Start Ups), ensure adequate security measures (e-payment & legal responsibility for content) 1 PC for 3 secondary students or 2 university students - 1 PC in every household (help to buy - 1 PC for 1€/day) Broadband networks & more public internet access points Investment in local authorities network by a state bank (Caisse des dépôts et Consignations) for 235 M€ MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 RE/SO 2007 mains actions (2) Special fund for local internet services (100 M€ - CIADT 2003) To develop new technologies complementary to ADSL by projects on alternative technologies (5 M€ - CIADT 2004) Special focus on E-health, e-government, e-learning. To create a special agency ADAE (2004) MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 2003/2004 Broadband Take Off Since 2002, prices decrease dramatically 25% Householders have broadband. 6 793 249 subscribers in december 2004 Regulator action to improve local loop unbundling MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Broadband in Europe France leads Europe for Broadband 6 793 249 (ADSL : 6 293 249) in December 2004 / Germany :6 747 000 MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI - key player in digital economy e-signature: publicise e-signature provision, study archiving and time-stamping conditions Dematerialization of public purchases & expenditure: using internet tools for public e-procurement Legal equivalence of e-procedures Audit & Control of e-transactions: technological intelligence network (e-watch) International group, conference Digital economy scoreboard MINEFI - Ministry of Economic, Finance and Industry MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 ADAE PM agency created February 21, 2003 modernise operation of administration to better meet needs of citizens promote & co-ordinate initiatives, ensures follow-up & evaluation support administrations for pegging, knowledge of offer & design of projects work in close co-operation with ministries, local authorities, public organisations & users MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Priority building sites for the e-Administration to simplify the steps of the change of postal address, to accelerate the procedures for associations subsidies, to personalize the online services by setting up the site “mon.service-public.fr”, to develop virtual counters of public services in the rural zones. MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Encountered difficulties (1) The information systems of the administrations have to be interconnected, but they are heterogeneous and uneasy to be upgraded. The authorizations have to be managed : who can do what for who ? who can reach which information ? The identification infrastructures have to be defined. MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Encountered difficulties (2) The availability of the services has to guarantee the capacity to manage a very high number of connections. The back-offices have to be managed : to which information (including the information coming from other administrations) the civil servants may have access to achieve their missions ? The civil servants have to be formed and informed. MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
ADministration ELEctronique (ADELE) project New government initiative - 2004/2007 Review : 25 april 2005 (PM) Imperatives listen to users make services accessible to everyone establish trust of French citizens improve performance while controlling State expenditure MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Listen to users Wide-ranging consultation institutional interactive representative Consultation process to continue throughout project set up - expert group & user panels MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Make services accessible to everyone New services accessible over internet by telephone (3939, one-stop online government information, over counter, by post) Use of multi-service terminals or counters -particularly in rural areas Administrative formalities simplified MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Establish trust Respect of privacy - no single identifying number Choice of identification? - one department, one card - same card for several services 100% secure Control of personal data MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Improve performance while controlling State expenditure 3 structural projects Copernic (on-line tax payments) Accord (State accounting system) Helios (accounts application) Increase productivity & develop new services without increasing costs Creation of public central procurement agency to save 200m € by year starting in 2007 MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 140 measures, 270 projects Examples Single change of address ID card for administrative services Civil Register National Identity Card Vitale Card (new development) Public procurement procedures Geographic data systems Control of legal status http://www.adae.gouv.fr/adele MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Scoreboard in february 2005 Budget: 1.8 G € 2004/2007 20% of civil servants formation for e-gov application : 2 G€ In Europe for some period: 1,65 G€ in Germany, 1,42 G€ in UK, 2 G€ in Italy&Spain 27% projects finished in december 2004 - 31% in april 2005 MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Difficulties Political agenda is not technical agenda Co-ordination between administration Law evolution is slower than technical evolution High level of investment when state budget in deficit. Technical co-ordination between different political level MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Gateway « Mon Service public » Adèle 34 Gateway « Mon Service public » Servicio personalizado “mon service-public” Personalised service: "mon service-public"
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Functions Internet Gateway = One online counter User authentification. Mains topics : Personalization of information and services rendered by the administration with its citizens. Accompanying the development of the e-Administration by the installation of a personalized portal. Improve the relations of the citizens with the administration within the framework of the personalization of information and services. MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Mon.service-public.fr MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Data 10 090 public internet sites in March 2005 (5 478 in April 2003) > 90% of official forms available online Government gateway www.servicepublic.fr as about 2 500 000 /3 000 000 visitors by month in 2004 MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
Adèle 4 Changement d’adresse Cambio de domicilio Change of address
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Goals One online declaration for all services Private partners : Bank . Telecom ... MINEFI Etc. Platform Min. Défense CAF MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Inscription MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005
MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005 Personnes MINEFI/DGE/STSI march 2005