November 2012 Chapter Leader Webinar Mary Beth Lech, CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager x1119
1 Todays Agenda Monthly WebEx recordings Special guests: PayPal credit card processing Save the dates Special guest: NCMA Director of Marketing GCMC Mid Year Leadership Conference Certificates of Attendance Learning on Demand Small Business Virtual Conference NCMA New Certifications Fast Friday webinar Chapter events and photos NCMA Resources pageMembership reports and rosters NCMA Chapters page NCMA Awards program Chapter grants status Did You Know… Social Media Whats On Your Mind?
2 Monthly Chapter Leader WebEx Recordings Now Available NCMA monthly chapter leader WebEx discussions are now being recorded for you to listen to as a refresher at a later date. Go to the NCMA Chapter Resources page and in the left column, click on Chapter Training Materials. Copies of the briefing charts are also available for you there.NCMA Chapter Resources page
Today we have special guests! 3
Our first guests…. From the Research Triangle Park chapter… 4
Collection of Chapter Registration Funds via… PayPal and Square Both accommodate Chapter events Both are convenient Both are affordable Each provides a useful payment alternative Valuable Chapter tools
Background Chapter needed a way to accept the government purchase card for educational event Established PayPal for that purpose Used for monthly meeting registration/payment Then came Square Requested by the membership for payment at the door Results: Used by 80% of November Meeting Attendees (10% cash; 10% PayPal – No checks!) Bottom line…Chapter using both successfully 6
is a way to send and receive money over the Internet Is great for… –Advance payments –Facilitates early registration –Captures funds into Chapter PayPal account –No need for payer to have a PayPal account – notices sent to designated account representative –Making payment to vendors accepting PayPal But… –Money sits in PayPal account until transferred to Chapter bank account –Transaction fee higher than Square 7
is a way to accept credit/ debit cards Is great for… –Payments at the door –Facilitates walk-in registration –Captures funds directly to Chapter bank account –No need for payer to have a Square account –Receipts can be sent to card holder via at time of payment – notices sent to designated account representative But… –Reader can be sensitive / single point of failure –Requires internet connection at site –Single reader supplied with account initiation 8
9 PayPal -- Few Simple Steps Sign up for a PayPal nonprofit business account One day later, log in to your new PayPal account and submit the following through the Resolution Center: –Evidence of your nonprofits tax-exempt status (sample: s/Forms/AllItems.aspx) s/Forms/AllItems.aspx –A bank statement or a voided check in your organizations name –Your organizations PayPal account and contact information –A description of your organization and the type of payments it wants to accept through PayPal (such as payments for meetings, events, and fees…AKA Statement of Need (sample included in link))
10 Once PayPal Account Established… Log into your PayPal account Setup and create payment button Copy and paste the code into Chapters website – no programming expertise required No credit application; no monthly fees Only pay when you receive funds Fee per Transaction –$0 - $3K: 2.9% + $0.30 Conference Registration: $60.00-($ $0.30 = $2.34)= $57.96 Monthly Meeting: $10.00-($ $0.30 = $0.59)= $9.41 –Greater than $3K<$10K = 2.5%; over 2.2% both +$0.30
14 Square -- Few Simple Steps Sign up for a Square business account –Enter an address and create a password –Need Federal Tax ID number for the Chapter –Input shipping address for receipt of card reader Arrives in approximately one week –Answer questions for identity –Enter bank account information for deposits –FAQs:
15 Once Square Account Established and Reader is received… Connect Reader to Smart Phone or iPad Log into your Square application ( and password) Start swiping! No credit application; no monthly fees Only pay when you receive funds Flat 2.75% fee per transaction –Conference Registration: $ $1.65 = $58.35 –Monthly Meeting: $ $0.28 = $9.72
Receipt of Payment Notification From: Square To: abrigida Sent: Thu, Oct 11, :43 pm Subject: Square Payment Hello, National Contract Management Association, RTP Chapter. You accepted $10.00 from a card ending in You can see more about this payment at As of this payment, your Square balance is $ Thank you! 16
19 Thank you!! Questions?
20 Upcoming Events Save the dates! Mid-Year Leadership Conference 2013: January 18–19, 2013; Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, NV Aerospace and Defense Contract Management Training Forum 2013: March 14–15, 2013; Westin San Diego, San Diego, CA World Congress 2013: July 21–24, 2013; Gaylord Opryland, Nashville TN
21 Jessica Friedman NCMAs Director Of Marketing
22 NCMA Hears Member Feedback Survey results reflect following comments: Unfortunately our training budget is very limited, so we weren't able to send as many employees as we usually do. Due to budget cutbacks my organization was only able to pay for the registration portion, and I covered all other expenses.
NCMA Reviews Environment A number of government procurement events cancelled Spring 2012 May 2012 letter from OMB August 2012 letter from DoD Pending Legislation 23
24 NCMA Reviews Average Travel Costs
25 NCMA Makes Decision to Move World Congress We have to get a budget for training approved prior to that year. It is helpful to have information early to plan.
26 NCMA Issues Letter from President Elliott B. Branch November 16, 2012 NCMA understands that travel budgets are shrinking while travel costs are rising, and we want to help as many of our members attend World Congress as we can. Nashville is within 650 miles about 10 hours driving distance to 50% of the US population.
27 World Congress Plans Dates stay the same Training and learning objectives stay the same Opportunities for government and industry collaboration remain the same Early in planning process, call for presentations opens soon
28 Value obtained at World Congress is put best in the words of our members: Excellent seminars, excellent speakers, incredible amount of information. Best way to get 20 CPE hours. Great opportunity to network. The only forum where government buyers and sellers can dialog together.
29 See you in Nashville!
Any questions for Jessica?? 30
Past National Presidents Reception 33
Dont forget… Wear something PINK on Friday to show our sense of awareness and community!! 36
NCMA version of… 37
Get Certified. Earn your CFCM, CPCM, CCCM before Mid-Year 2013 Friday Jan 18 th Check in at 5:30 Exam at 9 AM Member exam fee $50 Non member exam fee $90 You must have an approved application on file with all fees paid in advance; NO WALK INS are allowed The cut off date for applications is Friday, January 4, 2013 For additional information contact 38
39 NES Offered on Friday Jan 18th
42 Participants earn 1.5 CPEs. Upcoming Webinars… January, 2013 January 22: Capability Statements: The View from Both Sides of the Table - Evaluating and Creating Capability Statements Program Details and Registration
43 Small Business Contracting Virtual Conference Online: December 6, 2012 Attend this Small Business Contracting virtual training event. Learn about regulatory issues affecting the small business environment, business development best practices, winning contracts, marketing techniques, and practical advice to thrive. Over the course of an afternoon, expect to gain knowledge from experts and small business professionals in unique collaboration with your peers and speakers for the open exchange of information and experience. This virtual program gives you the most for your training dollars! Not only is it convenient, it s cost-effective. This learning opportunity allows your organization to save on travel expenses and you can invite as many people as your location can accommodate. Participants will earn Three Continuing Professional Education hours (CPE)/Continuous Learning Points (CLP) by attending this online event. Read more...
Announcing TWO new certifications from NCMA starting January 31, The ICCM-D and ICCM-F are certifications awarded by NCMA based on meeting the same prerequisites and completing all the same courses required for the DAWIA or FAC-C certifications in contracting. These two certifications afford industry contracting professionals the opportunity to be certified at levels I, II, and III in the same manner as their public sector counterparts.
46 Spend FIFTEEN minutes with Chuck Woodside and Al Boykin And get all the information on NCMAs new Industry certification programs FRIDAY December 14 th 2 PM Webinar dial in to be announced
47 Send to
YOUR chapter ought to be in pictures! 48
How to submit events and photos? Send to Photo: include a suggested caption, and identify the people in the picture Events: Title, date, location and a web link 49
53 Updated with new policy references
55 New reports for certifications and transferred members!
Membership Reports You need to LOG IN! LOG IN changed again (November 16 th ) DO NOT give out this information to non officers or to NON MEMBERS!!! 56
Chapter President… Did you know that you receive an automatic e mail from NCMA when a new member wants to volunteer in your chapter? Did you know that you receive an automatic e mail from NCMA when your chapter has a member who passed a certification exam? 57
New Fellows Russ Blaine, CPCM, Boston Chapter Sara Brown, CFCM, Rio Grande Chapter Melanie Burgess, CPA, CPCM, Denver Chapter Debbie Eytchison, CPCM, CFCM, Inland Empire Chapter Crystal Glenn, CMP, CPCM, Tysons Corner Chapter Jonene Johanson, CPCM, CFCM, Great Salt Lake Chapter James Mitchell, CPCM, CFCM, Pentagon Chapter
Graalman Award WinnersQuality Level Air Capital Blue Ridge Central Arkansas Charleston SC Chesapeake Bay Monmouth Pinelands Red River Valley South Sound 60
61 Graalman Award WinnersBronze Level Aloha Atlanta Beach Cities Central Connecticut East Central Pennsylvania Fort Worth Long Island Old Dominion Scott
Graalman Award WinnersSilver Level Bluegrass China Lake Ridgecrest Columbia Basin East Tennessee Frederick Greenville Lone Star Mississippi Pentagon Pikes Peak Saint Louis Gateway Sooner South Florida Southeast Idaho Southern Nevada 62
AlamoGreater JohnstownNOVASan Fernando Valley Antelope ValleyGreater PhiladelphiaOrange CountySan Gabriel Valley Battlefield-DullesHampton RoadsPaso del NorteSpace City Houston Bethesda MedicalHigh PlainsPhoenix ThunderbirdSuncoast BostonHuntsvillePicatinnyTexoma Cal Poly, PomonaIndianapolisPotomacTwin Cities Cape CanaveralInland EmpireQuad CitiesTysons Corner DaytonJacksonvilleResearch Triangle ParkVandenberg DenverLeatherstockingRhode IslandWashington DC Free StateLos Angeles South BayRio Grande Great Lakes StateMid FloridaSacramento Gold Rush Great Salt LakeMiddle GeorgiaSaguaro Greater BaltimoreNorfolk AreaSan Diego Greater IowaNorth Texas 63 Graalman Award WinnersGold Level
Blanche Witte Memorial Foundation Award Nomination period extended until Dec 15 th Charles J. Delaney Memorial Foundation Award Nominations due by Dec 31st 64
Chapter Grant Program for PY chapters awarded $49,000 in grant funding Checks are in process. Chapter treasurers should receive at their home address by mid-December 65
NCMA Chapter Audits As announced NCMA is conducting audits of chapter financial records. Second chapter audit is in process; the third chapter audit is scheduled for early 2013 Audit will be conducted by NCMA CFO A chapter may contact NCMA and request an audit of their records, controls and processes. 66
67 Does your chapter need A logo? Letterhead? A newsletter masthead? Contact
68 Does your chapter need event liability insurance? Send the who, what, where, when to within 10 days of the event. No cost to the chapter
Does your chapter… Need a copy of Quicken © software? –Chapter is entitled to one FREE copy Need a SharePoint page? Need to order a chapter banner? Contact 69
71 Are you using social media in your chapter? Get Connected Now!
Check out NCMA on You Tube!
81 Whats On Your Mind? ?
December Chapter Leader Webinar FAST FRIDAY December 14 th at 2 PM on ICCM –ALL are welcome to attend Monthly Webinar December 19 th at 1130 AM 82