AJAX Impact on Telecom It’s not just for web sites anymore
So what is AJAX? Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Refers to a programming model in which the user Interface is driven by data instead of “pages” DOM manipulation is used to update UI components Sites and applications are more responsive
Technical Impact of AJAX on the Web Advantages Application skeleton only downloaded once Can result in significant reduction in bandwidth Asynchronous requests allow browser to be more responsive Page transitions are eliminated resulting in less "flicker" Disadvantages Applications become more chatty Harder to develop Breaks the back button Impacts “bookmarkability”
Technical Impact of AJAX on Telecom Advantages Application skeleton only downloaded once Can result in significant reduction in bandwidth Asynchronous requests allow browser to be more responsive Page transitions are eliminated resulting in less "flicker" Disadvantages Applications become more chatty Harder to develop Breaks the back button Impacts “bookmarkability”
Are people doing this today?
Sure, Voice Browsers have needs too! VoiceXML and CCXML engines are browsers Governed by the W3C Based on proven web standards/techniques Open protocols (HTTP, SSL) Request-response model HTTP 1.1 Caching Intelligent resource pre-fetching
VoiceXML Used to create interactive Voice Dialogs VoiceXML : Speech :: HTML : Web AJAX-style development via the <data> element Uses ECMAScript as it's primary scripting language
Demo Demo: “Score!”
Demo Overview What did we cover? Wait, but was that asynchronous? VUI downloaded once per call instead of once per lookup Scores loaded “on-the-fly” using a custom Web Service Audio files are cached via standard HTTP caching headers Wait, but was that asynchronous? No, VoiceXML is effectively a procedural language To do true AJAX we need an event/callback model
Enter CCXML... A complementary standard to VoiceXML Completely asynchronous! Allows interaction with low level signaling (i.e. SIP) A container for VoiceXML Dialogs Loves ECMAScript!
Demo: “Your clicks are important to us” * Thanks to the ITP Program at NYU for the idea: http://itp.nyu.edu/itp/
Demo Overview What did we cover? Asynchronous event processing CCXML was able to send and receive messages from an external source We leveraged several open source JavaScript libraries in a way it’s authors may have never imagined!
But don’t stop there! AJAX is not just about performance! The emergence of AJAX brought on a landslide of innovation that has fundamentally changed the way we approach software delivery (e.g. Software as a Service) AJAX requires that developers separate their UI from the underlying data; maximizing code reuse Massive online social networks and countless Internet superstars owe their beginnings to this new development paradigm
Social Impact of AJAX Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) Mass adoption Open Standards Free services funded by advertising Faster ECMAScript Engines!!!