February 6, 2018 Jefferson County Public Health Lakewood, CO MFHCC Meeting February 6, 2018 Jefferson County Public Health Lakewood, CO
Welcome & Introductions Janelle
Agenda Arrive, sign in, grab lunch Welcome & Introductions – Janelle (5 mins) Review Previous Action Items – Janelle Agency Updates - All – Lisa (15 mins) Member Agency Spotlight: WestLake Care Community – Pam Rios-Menter (15 mins) North Central Region Healthcare Coalition (NCR HCC) – Michelle Deland (5 mins) Ancillary Healthcare Workgroup Update – Diana Delgado (5 mins) Combined EMS Planning & Preparedness Meeting Update – Dave Mitchell & James Robinson (5 mins) Trainings and Events – Janelle and Lisa (5 mins) Review New Action Items – Lisa **Optional - Community Inclusion in Colorado (CICO) Maps Training 1-3pm**
Review previous action items Janelle
Review Previous Action Items If you are interested in becoming a Closed POD, contact the appropriate person for your jurisdiction: Christine Billings (cbilling@co.jefferson.co.us) for Jeffco & Gilpin; Cali Zimmerman (Cali.Zimmerman@dhha.org) for Denver; Megan Nies (meganlnies@gmail.com) for Broomfield; Donna Kline (dkline@co.clear-creek.co.us) for Clear Creek. All On-going Member Spotlight - email Janelle and Lisa if you would like to be featured on the website. Large increase in the number of people joining. Volunteer to include yourself on the member spotlight webpage Contact Ginny Schwartzer (ginnys@allclearemg.com) if interested in participating in a Disaster Book Club. Next book is One Second After by William R. Forstchen. All TBD in April MCI Homework assignment (see past Minutes and PPT) Stay updated about new CMS emergency preparedness rule webinars, workshops, and training on MFHCC website. Send “Non response response” process to Jefferson County agencies Janelle, Christine 3/31/18 Contact Diana Delgado (ddelgado@eatonsenior.org) if interested in serving as a volunteer Subject Matter Expert at active shooter exercise on Feb. 13th from 10am-12pm in Denver. 2/10/17 Email Janelle and Lisa if you are interested in any of these: (1) Serving as a minute taker for one month in 2018 or (2) You could host 60-70 people at an MFHCC meeting during 2018. North Central Region EMS Subcommittee agenda item to be added to MFHCC meeting agendas Lisa and Janelle DONE James will be arranging a demo with the AeroClave company and will pass along demo date to Lisa/Janelle to share with MFHCC. James Robinson Send JCPH PHEOP Memo & Summary to all members Janelle Send Winter Storm Exercise AAR/IP to all members Send “Preparing for Winter Weather in Colorado” pdf to relevant parties for review. 2/1/18 The AeroClave demo will be held at various times on Feb. 5th at Denver Health Paramedic Division.
Agency updates We have noticed that there have been fewer report outs during the agency update section of recent meetings. As a reminder, it is helpful to share updates about recent drills and exercises, lessons learned, available resources to share, job openings, staff changes or recognition, etc. Also, in an effort to save time, we are not going to call out various disciplines so people can respond at any time. Lisa
Agency Updates Please mention brief updates you would like to share with the entire group Include your name and agency name High level reports applicable to various agencies Updates requiring in depth discussions may transition into workgroups
Member Agency Spotlight – WestLake Care Community Pam Rios-Menter
WestLake Care Community Pam Rios-Menter, LCSW, NHA
WestLake Care Community Located at 1655 Eaton St. Lakewood in a transitioning neighborhood Small cozy community which is home to 69 residents 35% MMI/DD, 12% Veterans, 30% Alz. Dementia 30% are 61-70- younger population
WestLake Care Community Mission statement: Our Home is a place where relationships matter We practice resident centered holistic care which focuses on supporting residents in addition to focusing on family. All staff is also trained on how to care for residents with mental health issues, personality disorders, Dementia/Alzheimer's disease.
WestLake Care Community NHA is also a LCSW with psych, hospice, and LTC experience and believes in psychosocial holistic model We also practice collaborative decision making within our inter disciplinary team. 5 star rating for over 2 years. Achieved Bronze Quality award status in 2015
WestLake Care Community We accept CNA students for internships, BSW, and MSW students from Metro state We also accept H.S. students (Juniors and Seniors) Wheat Ridge H.S. who are interested in health care careers. We also currently have 3 staff from Puerto Rico working on a contract status.
Employees We have a very active employee council who assist with decision making within the community. They also make suggestions on community wide celebrations, recognition, etc. This assists with making the community more cohesive and gives the employees an active voice.
WestLake Care Community You are more than welcome to come by for a tour or a visit at any time!! Thank you!!!
North Central Region Healthcare Coalition (NCR HCC) Update Michelle Deland
North Central Region Healthcare Coalition - NCR HCC NCR HCC HPP Funding Update: The Governance Board elected to fund 8 projects of the 18 that were submitted. Communication around the potential for member involvement in funded projects will occur as they get up and running. Preparedness Plan: HCC member review period – Mid March. Coalition Surge Test: Participation in planning/assessment team. Expect information on this test to start coming out in the next month. NCR HCC Roster: Being piloted by the Governance Board this week. Members will receive the link to complete contact information mid/late February. NCR HCC Logo: The NCR HCC has a new logo! Website coming soon! Next Governance Board Meeting: February 27th from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at Trailhead Institute: 1385 South Colorado Blvd, Suite A622, Denver, CO 80222
Ancillary healthcare workgroup Diana Delgado – Eaton Senior Communities
New Workgroup CICO Maps training today from 1-3 pm in lieu of monthly meeting Save the Date! – May 7th Functional exercise Location: Summit Conference and Event Center, Aurora To join the workgroup, contact Michelle Deland mdeland@NCRHCC.org
Combined EMS Planning & Preparedness Meeting Update Dave Mitchell and James Robinson
Upcoming Trainings and Events Janelle and Lisa
MFHCC Chapter Radio Training Improvement item identified during PHED Ex (June 2017) – need for more radio training Immediately before March MFHCC Meeting, we will host a 800 MHz Radio Training 11-11:45am, Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center Come prepared with your 800 MHz Radio Janelle
MFHCC Website - Training and Exercise Opportunities in our Community Dates through Q1 2018 – CMS Emergency Preparedness Webinars (free) see All Clear Emergency Management website for details. Feb. 7 – Radiological Hazards and Operations – Half-Day Conference Feb. 8 - Bronco Thunder Tabletop Exercise Feb. 13 – Pediatric Issues in Disasters Webinar Feb. 14 – G191 – ICS/EOC Interface Course March 6 – Colorado Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (CASCA) Emergency Preparedness Seminar March 8 – Health Sector Emergency Preparedness March 22-23 – Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents April 4-7 – 55th Annual Denver Tuberculosis Course April 19 – Applied Outbreak Investigation Training April 23-24 – Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Aug. 25-26 – Denver Fire Advanced Extrication “Chop Shop” Course Aug. 29-31 – National EMS Safety Summit Lisa - Visit the MFHCC website for details about all of the events listed. All of the listings in red are new offerings. Please send us training opportunities so we can share them with members on our website.
Review New Action Items Lisa
Please note: March 6th Meeting at Presbyterian/St Please note: March 6th Meeting at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center - Denver
Thank you! Stay for the Community Inclusion in Colorado (CICO) Maps Training from 1-3 pm