I can generate narrative topics. Narrative Writing I can generate narrative topics.
Have I Ever You need a yellow sheet of paper per group and a piece of paper per person. 1. Person 1 writes down something he/she has done on the yellow paper. 2. Everyone else gives themselves a point if they, too, have done this. Person 1 gives him/herself a point for every person at their table who has done this. Repeat.
“Potential Narrative Topics” Label your paper “Potential Narrative Topics.” Look at your group’s Have I Ever sheet. Are there any potential topics there? If so, write them down.
Add to your list. Visit other groups’ lists. Write down any topics you think you might want to write about.
Some other topics… The most embarrassing experience of your life. Tell about a frightening experience that you had. An experience that showed you real life values. An experience that taught you to appreciate life more. An experience that helped you to fight cowardice.
And more… Write about a time when you got hurt on the playground. What happened? Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up. Did you have a memorable birthday party? Share about what made it memorable. An occasion when you experienced a rejection. A misunderstanding with another person. Tell about a disagreement you’ve had with your parents.
And more… A time you felt like you didn’t belong OR helped someone else belong. A time when you had to believe in yourself in order to overcome an obstacle. A time when you took a positive risk. Whether you succeeded or failed, what did you learn through the experience? A time when a school experience positively or negatively affected you.
Narrow it down. Take a look at your list. Circle/highlight the three that you would most like to write about.
Talk to others. At your table, each person will share their three topics. 1. Person 1 shares topic 1 for thirty seconds. 2. Person 2 shares topic 1 for thirty seconds. 3. Person 3 shares topic 1 for thirty seconds. 4. Person 4 shares topic 1 for thirty seconds. 5. Person 1 shares topic 2 for thirty seconds. And so on.
Choose a topic. After reflecting as a group, which topic should you choose? Think about: Which one could you write the most about? Which one could you reflect the deepest about how it affected you? Which one would you get the most satisfaction out of writing?