Cultural Analysis of Mesopotamia SPRITE IT!!!!
Geography Land between Two RiversTigris and Euphrates Fertile Crescent Hazardous, unpredictable flooding, alluvial plain, desert Modern day Iraq Lack natural resources
Social Aspects Sumerians and Semites (Language) BlendingAssimilation, little ethnic conflict, Akkadian language dominates, intermarriage Village Life companionship, protection, marriage potential, help during harvests Urban and village dependency city-states Three classes: free landowning, dependent farmers, slaves Women no political role, lost standing due to agri., men gain power in household, prostitutes, were able to own property
Political Aspects Priests held both political and religious power Lugal “big man”, increased frequency in warfare over resources, chosen by community, backing of army, not hereditary, earthly rep. of God Sargonunited cities under one king, centralized gov’t, standardized weight, taxes, labor projects etc. Hammurabi aggressive military campaigns, law code Bureaucracy, central gov’t
Religious Aspects At the mercy of the Gods hazardous flooding and unpredictable nature of rivers, must appease Gods Anthropomorphic lust, anger, hate Amulets feared afterlife Ziggurats mud-brick pyramid like structures, house deities, centrally located, residence of Gods Priestsowned land, controlled shrine, wealthy, powerful, rituals,
Mesopotamian Gods
Technological Aspects Dependant on irrigation, dams, canals Mud-bricks city-walls 8. Base number system Cuneiform 9. Astronomy Bronze Pottery Horse-drawn chariots Boats, barges, carts
Economic Aspects Agricultural based-villages provided surplus and cities supplied markets for trade Cities control land Slavery existed but not fundamental to economy Record keeping property and trade
Think about… How did the Mesopotamians interact with their environment and how did this shape their society? Why did they need codified law in Mesopotamia? Read Hammurabi’s code and answer the questions in complete sentences. What does this law code reveal about what is valued in Mesopotamian society?