T-JTA ® Handscoring Module *Instructors for this seminar are certified by Psychological Publications, Inc. Publishers of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis® (T-JTA®). Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis® and T-JTA® are registered trademarks of Psychological Publications, Inc. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
T-JTA Handscoring PPI 2014 12/5/2018
T-JTA Administration-Handscoring Paper and Pencil Question Booklet Answer Sheets Profile Select Question Booklet Edition Select Answer Sheet Instructions for test-takers Self Tests Criss-Cross Tests PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Selecting the Appropriate Question Booklet Regular Edition –most commonly used; has an 8th grade reading level; is designed for Criss-Cross and Self testing Secondary Edition –used with younger test takers and poor adults readers; has a 4th grade reading level; is designed primarily for Self testing Non-Criss Cross Edition –is used for Self testing only; has an 8th grade reading level PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Selecting the Appropriate Answer Sheet Handscoring Answer Sheet (Code AS) One-sided with rectangles instead of bubbles; printed in blue and white; designed for use with a set of six scoring stencils Should be completed in heavy pencil in the shaded area of the selected column Computer Scoring Answer Sheet (Code ASC) Two-sided with bubbles; printed in blue, white and red; designed to be mailed into PPI for computer scoring Should be completed with a #2 black pencil, erasing all extraneous marks on the sheet PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Administration Instructions Have the respondent read instructions for taking T-JTA Have the respondent complete all biographical data Explain Plus (+), Minus (-), and Mid designations Explain that there is no time limit Double-check total Mid responses (Respondents should be encouraged to keep Mids to a minimum for test accuracy; Mids should not exceed 30 per answer sheet for adults!) Supply detailed directions for Criss-Cross testing PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Test Directions 2 Self Tests – respondents answer the questions as they apply to him- or herself; the “Self” option on the answer sheet should be circled indicating that the biographical data and answers refer to the actual respondent: Information given by Self 2 Criss-Cross Tests – respondents take the test a second time, answering all questions as they apply to their partner; the biographical data is completed for the respondent’s partner, and the “By Another” box is marked indicating the respondent : Information given by Husband Wife PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Scoring and Profiling PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Scoring Instructions Overview Before proceeding with the practice scoring assignment, please review the scoring instructions on pages 4-7 of the manual Basic Instructions are also provided at the top of Scoring Stencil #1, A-B *Many trainees also take T-JTA test themselves and then score and profile results; in a classroom setting, the instructor or trainee should double-check scoring. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
The Importance of COLOR in T-JTA Scoring & Profiling For clarity in scoring and profiling, RED pen is used when the answers were given by a male BLUE pen is used when the answers were given by a female NOTE: Tables for Criss-Cross tests are printed in BLACK, but scored and profiled in the color appropriate to the person who gave the answers: When a male has described a female, scores are entered in RED on the answer sheet, and results are plotted in RED on the profile When a female has described a male, scores are entered in BLUE on the answer sheet, and results are plotted in BLUE on the profile PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Practice Scoring Training Packet The training packet is designed to familiarize you with T-JTA scoring and profiling procedures; after studying the instructions in the manual and completing the assignments, you should be able to accurately score and profile T-JTA Criss-Cross tests. All trainees who have purchased materials for use at this seminar will find a Practice Scoring Training Packet inside the materials kit. Trainees who have not purchased materials may be supplied the appropriate forms by the instructor, or may follow the assignment procedure as a demonstration. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Training Packet Materials Practice Scoring Training Packets include: Four T-JTA answer sheets (AS) completed by the couple (which trainees will be scoring) 1. Robert White’s Self-test AS (“Self” circled) 2. Joan White’s Self-test AS (“Self” circled) 3. AS completed by Joan on Robert (“Information given by Wife” checked) 4. AS completed by Robert on Joan (“Information given by Husband” checked) Five Blank T-JTA Shaded (percentile) Profiles, on which you will plot Whites’ complete Criss-Cross test results, using percentile scores One blank T-JTA Sten Profile, on which you will plot Robert White’s Self-test using Sten scores Sten profiles are explained in the T-JTA Manual PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Scoring Answer Sheets Scoring Consists of two parts: 1. Preliminary Scoring- obtaining total Mid count, trait Mid counts, trait raw scores, and a raw score for the Attitude Scale utilizing scoring stencils 2. Conversion- of trait raw scores to percentiles or stens (depending on which profile will be used) *Note: Since it has proven faster and more efficient, most counselors prefer to score all answer sheets at one time, and then to profile all test results at one time. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Preliminary Scoring Steps Check Robert White’s Self-test sheet (“Self” is circled) for unanswered questions or questions to which more than one response has been given In scoring, omissions and double responses are counted as Mid responses and given a weight of 1 Count all Mid responses (weight of 1) on the answer sheet and enter the total in the “Total Mids” space provided on answer sheet PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Obtaining Raw Scores To obtain raw score for Trait A: Place Scoring Stencil #1 (A-B) over the answer sheet so that the corners match and two blue dots are visible through the round windows on either side of stencil, near the top Using the left half of the stencil, count the number of Mid responses, and record the Mid count for Trait A opposite the word “MIDS” in column A on the answer sheet Obtain the total raw score for Trait A by adding together all responses weighted 1 and 2 (Mids are included in the raw score); record the raw score for Trait A opposite the word “SCORE” in column A PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Obtaining Raw Scores, Cont. To obtain a Raw Score for Trait B: Using the right half of Stencil #1 (A-B), repeat the steps for counting and recording Mids and Trait Scores as with Trait A Use Stencils #2, 3, 4, and 5 to derive the Mid count and Total Raw Score for each trait: C, D, E, F, G, H, and I (Note: Entire Stencil #5 is used to score Trait I.) 10 1 3 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Obtaining Raw Scores, Cont. Use the white Attitude Scoring Stencil to obtain a Raw Score for the Attitude Scale: Add together all responses weighted 1 and 2. Record the Raw Score Total in the box marked “Attitude Scale Raw Score” at the upper center of the answer sheet (Note: A separate Mid count is not obtained for the Attitude Scale). Score the remaining three answer sheets, obtaining a Total Mid Count, Trait Mid Counts, Trait Raw Scores, and an Attitude Scale Score for each 31 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Conversion to Percentiles Once the answer sheets have been scored, raw scores must be converted to percentiles before results can be plotted on T-JTA profiles; Attitude Scale raw scores must be converted to sten scores Norms Conversion Tables are found in Appendix A, following page 50 of test Manual PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Selecting Norms Select the norms to be applied based on the age of the respondent for Self-tests and the age of the person being described for Criss- Cross tests Norm Age Groupings Adolescents: Ages 11-17 Young Adult: Ages 18-25 General Adult: Ages 26-54 Senior Adult: Ages 55+ Important Note: For accurate results, only updated 2012 norm tables should be used. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Converting Robert White’s Self-Test Start conversions with Robert White’s Self-test by turning to the General Adult Male Percentile norm table printed in RED, on page A-23 of the 2012 T-JTA Test Manual Convert the raw score for each trait to a percentile and enter the percentile scores in the spaces provided on the answer sheet PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Converting Robert White’s Self-Test Cont Using the General Adult Male Attitude Scale Sten Conversion Table, printed in RED on Manual page A-21, convert Robert’s raw Attitude Scale score to a Sten score Enter the sten score obtained on the answer sheet in the box marked “Attitude Scale Sten Score” Note: Whether the results are plotted on a Percentile Profile or a Sten Profile, the raw Attitude score is always converted to a Sten Score. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Checking Your Conversions Turn to the scored answer sheet the in manual following page 20 (after plotted profiles) Compare your scoring of Robert White’s Self-test answer sheet with the answer sheet in the manual; if the two match exactly, your preliminary scoring and score conversions are accurate; if not, locate and correct your errors before proceeding PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Converting Joan White’s Self-Test To convert trait raw scores to percentiles on Joan White’s Self-test, use the General Adult Female Percentile norm table (printed in BLUE) on Manual page A-24 To convert the raw Attitude score to a sten score, use the General Adult Female Attitude Scale Conversion Table (printed in BLUE) on page A-21 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Test Conversions Remember: Tables for Criss-Cross tests are printed in BLACK, but scored and profiled in appropriate colors. Joan’s test on Robert: For trait raw score conversions, refer to the Criss-Cross norm table on page A-25, labeled “Person being described is General-Adult Male” For Attitude Scale conversions, refer to the Criss-Cross General-Adult Male Attitude Scale Sten Conversion Table on page A-22 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Test Conversions Cont. Robert’s test on Joan: For trait raw score conversions, refer to the Criss-Cross norm table on page A-26, labeled “Person being described is General-Adult Female” For Attitude Scale conversions, refer to the Criss-Cross General-Adult Female Attitude Scale Sten Conversion Table on page A-22 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Profiling T-JTA Results Robert White’s Self-test Results: Using RED pen, transfer all the scores from Robert’s Self-test answer sheet to a blank Shaded Profile To designate the norms used, write “G.A.” for “General-Adult” in the box labeled “Norms” Plot percentiles on the profile graph and connect the plotted points with a solid red line PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Robert White’s Self-test Profile Compare your completed profile with the sample Robert White Self-test Profile in the manual following page 20 (Check for all profiles!) PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Joan White’s Self-test Profile Using BLUE pen, transfer all the scores from Joan’s Self-test answer sheet to a 2nd blank profile To designate the norms used, write “G.A.” for “General-Adult” in the box labeled “Norms” Plot percentiles on the graph and the connect plotted points with a solid blue line PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Couple Profile On a 3rd blank profile, enter both sets of Self-test scores: Using RED pen, enter Robert’s Scores on the left side of the boxes Using BLUE pen, enter Joan’s scores on the right side of Robert’s scores Using two Self-test profiles as guides, plot both sets of percentile scores on the profile graph; connect Robert’s with a solid red line; Joan’s with a solid blue line PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Profiles Robert White by Joan White Using RED pen, transfer all the scores from Robert’s Self-test answer sheet to the left side of the boxes on a 4th profile Plot Robert’s percentile scores on the profile graph and connect the plotted points with a solid red line Using BLUE pen, transfer all the scores from Joan’s Criss-Cross test on Robert onto the same profile, to the right of Robert’s Self-test scores Plot percentile scores on the graph and connect the plotted points with a broken blue line PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Profiles, Cont. Joan White by Robert White Using BLUE pen, transfer all the scores from Joan’s Self-test answer sheet to the left side of boxes on a 5th profile Plot Joan’s percentile scores on the profile graph and connect the plotted points with a solid blue line Using RED pen, transfer all the scores from Robert’s Criss-Cross test on Joan onto the same profile, to the right of Joan’s Self-test scores Plot percentile scores on the graph and connect the plotted points with a broken red line PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Criss-Cross Profiles Cont. Husband by Wife Wife by Husband (Compare your profile with sample profile #4 in the manual following page 20.) (Compare your profile with sample profile #5 in the manual following page 20.) PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Sten Profiles Regular Sten Profiles (SP): available for counselors who prefer to use standard scores; used to plot results that have been converted to sten scores ranging from 1 to 10 on an unshaded graph (See Manual page 2 for more detail.) PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Completing a Sten Profile Using RED pen, transfer biographical data, the total Mid count, trait Mid counts, trait raw scores, the Attitude Scale raw score, and the Attitude Scale sten score (do not transfer percentile scores) from Robert White’s Self-test answer sheet onto a blank Sten Profile In order to plot results on a Sten Profile, trait raw scores must be converted into sten scores Using the General-Adult Male Table for Converting Raw Scores to Sten Scores, printed in red on manual page A-27, convert Robert’s trait raw scores to sten scores Record the sten scores obtained in the boxes provided on the profile PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Completing a Sten Profile, Cont. Note that for the Sten Profile only, it is necessary to convert the Total Mid Count to a Mid Sten Score Using the General Adult-Male Mid Sten Conversion Table on manual page A-29, convert the Total Mid Count to a Mid Sten Score Plot trait sten scores on the profile and connect the plotted sten points with a solid red line *Compare your completed Sten Profile with the sample Robert P. White Sten Profile in the manual. PPI 2014 12/5/2018
Scoring Tip To check scoring accuracy after using the five blue scoring stencils, glance at the Mid count obtained for each trait If the trait Mid count is an even number (0,2,4 etc.), the total raw score for that trait must also be an even number; if the trait Mid Count is an odd number (1,3,5 etc.), the total raw score must also be an odd number 1 2 3 1 2 1 10 3 36 32 28 17 35 28 31 PPI 2014 12/5/2018
The T-JTA is published by…. Psychological Publications, Inc. 2205 First St., Ste. 110, Simi Valley, CA 93063 P.O. Box 3577, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-0577 Phone: (800) 345-8378 Fax: (805) 527-9266 www.tjta.com Email: tjta@tjta.com PPI 2014 12/5/2018