Summary of Themes from Meetings with Air Directors and Staff WESTAR Business Meeting Fall 2005 San Diego, CA
Overview Visited with WESTAR Council members in: Focus of summary: 14 out of 15 states 3 out of 4 FLM Focus of summary: Priorities Relationships Committee Operations
How is this information used? Focus the organization on priorities Combined with strategic plan, feedback informs the development of WESTAR’s 2006 work plan and budget Continuous improvement
Priorities Most frequently mentioned Also frequently mentioned New PM standards PSD and NSR reform Regional haze and BART Natural events policy Also frequently mentioned Climate change and greenhouse gases Oil and gas Mercury Training
Relationships With respect to STAPPA, WRAP, other regional organizations: “About right” “Stay the course” State/FLM relationship: “Good and getting better” – this comment, or words to this effect, voiced by many states
Committee Operations Theme: Conference calls are worthwhile when agenda includes topics of interest Issue: Sources Committee continues to struggle Host permitting, Title V, NSR/PSD “kick off meeting”? Reform into ad hoc workgroups to address specific issues?