学 术 报 告 Charles Lagrange TPA Professor 学 术 报 告 Charles Lagrange TPA Professor Total Refining & Chemicals The Chemical Industry, towards a Sustainable Development Professor Lagrange, graduated from Ecole Polytechnique de l‘Universite Libre de Bruxelles, has possessed sufficient practical knowledge through 40 years’ working experience in the oil and gas industry with 12 years of which has worked for the petrochemical branch in Total Group responsible for global packaging development, Asia program, business development, etc. He has ever participated various kinds of activities such as market analysis of the issues linked to plastic packaging (multi-polymers), liaising with key users to understand forthcoming trends and needs, lobbying before professional organizations to defend the place of plastic in packaging etc. and also has given lectures in the related subjects. The global chemical industry, which today represents a production value of around 3.2 Trillion Euros, is due to grow by an average of 3 to 4% per year to a estimated production value of 6.3 Trillion Euros in 2030. The European petrochemical industry represents a 155 bn Euro contribution to the EU GDP and employs around 1.2 million people, including the multiplying effect. The key to a sustainable development of the chemical industry lies in the eco-efficiency concept. Eco-efficiency starts with less emission of harmless substances and resources savings. Eco-efficiency also includes a value chain approach in order to grasp savings and efficiency opportunities at each stage of the chemicals production, conversion and products usage. Eco-efficiency also includes the optimization of waste value through re-use or recycling. Eco-efficiency is finally leading to the use of renewable resources. The Bio-fuels and the bio-sourced chemicals market is growing at a rapid pace. Today, it pertains essentially to the packaging and automotive industries but the future could see it used in more challenging applications. 时间:10月30日 10:00 am – 12:00 pm 地点:教四-102 邀请人:王文俊 化学工程与生物工程学院 化学工程联合国家重点实验室(浙江大学)