Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult Liaison CEN TC312 TC 228 and TC371 Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult
Introduction TC 228 Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings WG1: General performance requirements of heating systems and sub-systems in buildings WG4: Calculation methods and system performance an evaluation WG5: Hydraulic Surface Heating and Cooling Systems TC371 Energy performance of buildings project group WG1: EPBD Standards group
TC 228 / WG4 -Activities - Aftermath of formal vote on revised EPBD standards Harmonization issue on EN 15316-4-3 (SOLCAL) TC 228 accepted the mandate (2015), the annexes are included, but no activities from the commission Validation SolTherm software presented Combi of EN15316-4-3,3 (solar thermal) and EN15316-5 (tank) Options for revision of EN15316-5 discussed TC228 WG4 is open for a request from solar thermal New working items: New standard for heat recovery domestic hot water systems Should be realistic (no ‘theoretical’ performance) No CEN product standard. Start here: TC110 & TC59 Ambition: Coordination EPBD and ErP Lack of funding and time
TC371 - Activities - EPBD coordination is finalized New working items: Some remaining issues regarding transfers to ISO New working items: Primary energy factors List different options to define PEF and CO2 emission factors in EN/ISO 52000-1
For your attention