Business Enterprise Information Services (BEIS) and Intragovernmental Value Added Network (IVAN) Mats Persson PEO Finance Enterprise
Business Enterprise Information Service (BEIS) Program Overview BEIS is an enterprise-level Financial Visibility application suite providing: Reference data General ledgers Enterprise business intelligence Financial reporting, Cash reporting/reconciliation Integration support services Through efficient integration and enhancement of existing financial management capabilities, BEIS will improve financial visibility for management in support of the War fighter through the delivery of data which is more timely, accurate and fit for managing.
BEIS: Defense Corporate Database/Defense Corporate Warehouse (DCD/DCW) Program Overview Driven by customer high priority needs All efforts to create a DoD wide transactional data warehouse have ceased Key Services General Ledger Services: used by components without general ledger capability Reference Data Services: authoritative source for SFIS and deploys web services to DoD enterprise Integration Services: provides business integration services across DoD enterprise leveraging existing interfaces (e.g., Capital Asset Management System – Military Equipment (CAMS-ME), the Standard Disbursing Initiative (SDI), the Defense Travel System (DTS), Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System (DIMHRS)).
BEIS: Defense Corporate Database/Defense Corporate Warehouse (DCD/DCW) Recent Accomplishments General Ledger Services: Redesigned Army Journal Voucher/Unpost/Repost functionality (Jun 07) Redesigned Army Suspense Forms (Aug 07) Created the Trial Balance extract for Army Financial Reporting (Aug 07) Modified General Ledger Year End process (Aug 07) Reference Data Services: Implement SFIS Library as single authoritative source for SFIS values - Mar 06 Expand SFIS Library to Encompass Cost Accounting Data Elements - Apr 07 Subsumed TGET (Sep 07) Integration Services: SDI Kansas City implemented in Sep 07 to eliminate SRD1 at KC
BEIS: Defense Corporate Database/Defense Corporate Warehouse (DCD/DCW) Plans for FY08/FY09 and Beyond General Ledger Services: No additional development. Discontinue and/or transfer capability back to DFAS to support interim environment as required Reference Data Services: Continue to support SFIS Library which contains the standard SFIS data values required for Financial Reporting (On-going) Transition CEFT to web services to support ERPs (Release 1: Dec 07/Release 2: May 08) Begin transition of TGET to web services and SFIS data values to support ERP’s (Sep 08) Discussing LOA validation web service with DFAS Integration Services: DIMHRS - Provide SFIS to legacy crosswalks in support of DIMHRS payroll and travel (Aug 08) DTS changes to support GFEBS implementation (Sep 08) Continue to support interim and target environments as required (On-going)
BEIS: Business Intelligence (BI) Program Overview Delivers Enterprise BI capability to DoD Comptroller - OUSD(C), DFAS, Components, and Defense Agencies. Acquires, hosts, and integrates disparate data from authoritative sources to deliver critical information to DoD decision makers. Provides single source for integrated views and analysis capabilities covering budget execution, Global War On Terror, special interest items, DoD metrics program, cost accounting and expanding content areas to enhanced financial management information visibility in support of the War fighter.
BEIS: Business Intelligence (BI) Recent Accomplishments Status of Fund (SOF) Monthly & Daily (New) Automated Daily Interface with Source Systems Automated Budget input for the OUSD(C) MAC system Automated direct input of Service spend plans Integrated all of the above data with monthly execution into a single presentation to support continuous budget execution monitoring including fiscal year closeout and Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) Global War On Terror (GWOT) Automated feeds to OMB & GAO New Status of Funds Reports OUSD(C) on-line dashboard Expanded Financial Metrics Expanded Cost Accounting Major Procurement
BEIS: Business Intelligence (BI) Plans for FY08 Expand Financial Metrics Index Based Reporting Additional Metrics Expand Cost Accounting Content Areas Civilian Pay Expired year reporting Enhance GWOT reporting in support of GWOT Task Force Defense Agency Reporting/Dashboard
BEIS: Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS) Program Overview Selected as the DoD-wide system for Treasury Reporting Currently supports Navy Enhancements underway to support Army (GFEBS) and Defense Agencies (DAI) Performs Cross Disbursement processing for all DoD Recent Accomplishments Retired six systems as a result of current functionality Centralized Expenditure/Reimburse Processing System (CERPS) Universal Download (UDL) Defense Universal Net Expenditure System (DUNES) Distribution Improvement Environment (DIE) Industrial Fund Centralized Disbursement Reimbursement (IFCDRS) Financial Reporting System (FRS)
BEIS: Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS) Plans for FY08 Developing Common Interfaces to support the following ERPs: DIMHRS: Support for Personnel and Pay Transactions GFEBS: Treasury Reporting and Cross Disbursements DAI: Treasury Reporting and Cross Disbursements Navy ERP: Modify previous interface to utilize common interface including support of Navy ERP rollout
BEIS: Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS) Plans for FY09 and Beyond Continued support of ERP rollout GFEBS – continue support Army rollout DAI – continue support Defense Agency rollout Navy ERP – continue support Navy rollout Technology Refresh to eliminate multiple baselines Subsume client/server functionality (Cross Disbursements) into web footprint (Treasury Reporting) Reconciliation functionality Fund Balance with Treasury – FBWT: Provide DoD-wide capability leveraging ERP interfaces and data
BEIS: Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) Program Overview Produce Official Audited Financial Statements and Budgetary Reports Standardize the Departmental Reporting process using the DoD Chart of Accounts and SFIS elements Interface with all ERPs Replace Legacy Departmental and Command Level reporting systems
BEIS: Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) Recent Accomplishments Implemented SFIS Phase III Reporting: (part of BEA 4.1) April 2007 for DDRS-Budgetary June 2007 for DDRS-AFS Classified DDRS-AFS Users Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) National Geospatial Agency (NGA) Navy DWCF ERP Implementation for NAVAIR – January 2008
BEIS: Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) Plans for FY08 Budgetary Navy General Fund – April 2008 DAI Implementation (for BTA) – July 2008 Army General Fund – August 2008 Standard DoD Chart of Accounts (point account structure) May 2008 for DDRS-Budgetary June 2008 for DDRS-AFS Classified AFS National Security Agency (NSA) – 2nd Quarter
BEIS: Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) Plans for FY09 and Beyond Army Working Capital Fund – TBD Corps of Engineers – TBD Security Assistance – TBD Defense Agencies, Indianapolis – September 2009 ERP Interfaces SABRS, EBS, LMP, DEAMS, GFEBS, ECSS, Navy-ERP, CABS, DAI
Intragovernmental Value Added Network (IVAN) Program Overview Automated solution addressing the long-standing material weakness associated with reconciling Intragovernmental Transactions (IGT). Implements data requirements, processes and business rules needed for DOD’s visibility over IGT activities and reducing the potential for related anti-deficiency act (ADA) violations. Web based IGT application
Intragovernmental Value Added Network (IVAN) Recent Accomplishments March 2006 – Incorporated “to-be” approach into DOD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Oct 2006 -July 2007 – Stood up IVAN proof of concept solution and processed $26M in orders between DOD activities. Plans for FY08/FY09 and Beyond Conduct proof of concept focusing on DOD orders to GSA and Dept of Interior (DOI) (Govworks) Obtain program decision Deploy production capability initially focused on DOD orders to GSA/DOI– FY 2009 Expand to include DOD orders going to other Federal agencies and between DOD reporting entities FY2010+