Golden age of Islam
The Spread of Islam Spread by different methods Initially through Conquest and conversion Later Merchants or Sufi mystics Arabic culture along with Islam Arabic Language = common language Customs and traditions Created Peace and Unity Less fighting More secure to travel Improved infrastructure Trade routes and roads Water systems and public facilities Improved the quality of life for many
Effects of Expansion = Increased Interactions 1st hemisphere-wide trading and communication network Africa, Asia, South Asia & Europe Distant regions closely linked Was a bridge between the East and the West (& Africa) Linked major trade networks Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Silk Roads, Trans-Saharan routes
Dar al-Islam Dar al-Islam “House of Islam” Connected all lands under Islamic rule Allowed for more cross cultural interactions Travelers were welcomed into peoples’ homes, given food and a place to stay Built on the shared traditions of all Muslims Arabic Language The Qu’ran The Five Pillars 3rd pillar – Giving Alms Sharia Common law Also common morals and values
Effects of Expansion = Economic Advancements Merchants develop & spread technology Advancements in Shipbuilding and Navigation Astrolabe – determines location at sea Banking systems Checks and banknotes accepted between regions Made travel and trade easier Needed lots of trust in system Allowed for more trade and interactions Increased wealth allowed for cultural development Fund Libraries, Scholars, House of Wisdom, ect.
Cultural Intellectualism Muslim world was center of knowledge Cross Cultural Interactions Smartest people from all over the world came to Muslim cities Ideas and knowledge spread quickly State sponsored intellectual development Build Libraries, mosques, madrasas, House of Wisdom Hired Scholars as government officials to fix logistical issues facing empire Actively sought all knowledge of the world from ancient and classical civilizations Translated into Arabic Paper Diffused from China Cheap and easy to recorded and spread information Science and Religion didn’t conflict
Cultural and Intellectual Achievements of Islam Some
Scientific Review Arabic Numerals
Algebra Astronomy Bookmaking Banking System
Calligraphy Chess City of Baghdad Geometric Design
Irrigation & Water Systems Medicines Hospitals House of Wisdom Irrigation & Water Systems
Libraries Music Zoology Polo