Post 9/11 Era Veterans Gold Card & FL National Guard Initiatives
Objectives Provide an Overview of the National Gold Card Initiative Explain the LVER/DVOP and One Stop Career Center Staff Responsibilities for Post 9/11 Era Veterans Services Provide an Overview of the State of Floridas National Guard Employment Initiative
References Veterans Program Letter No Gold Card Initiative Training and Employment Notice No Gold Card Initiative DEO Memorandum dated: December 1, 2011 New Activity Codes for Post 9/11 Veterans and National Guard
August 5, 2011, President Obama announced a comprehensive plan to lower veteran unemployment and ensure service members leave the military career-ready November 1, 2011, Representatives from FL Senate, Dept. of Military Affairs, Dept. of Economic Opportunity, Workforce Florida and the University System met with FL Senator Don Gaetz to Discuss the high unemployment rate of FL National Guard members and develop strategies to combat the percentage Overview
Overview November 11, 2011, Veterans Day, Gold Card Initiative Implemented Nationwide November 16, 2011, Planning begins for Implementation of National Guard Employment Joint Initiative with DEO, DMA and FLNG December 1, 2011, DEO Established EFM Activity Codes for Gold Card (643) and FLNG (642) for identification and tracking of services provided to Post 9/11 Era Veterans and FLNG Members
Online certificate downloaded and printed by Post 9/11 Era Veterans, presented at One Stop Career Centers to provide participants with access to enhanced core and intensive services Gold Card information is available through Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Employment Workshops and Online at: What is the Gold Card?
Does NOT change intake procedures under Veterans Priority of Service Does NOT change eligibility criteria for DVOP/LVER or WIA services Post 9/11 Era Veterans accessing One-Stops, the Gold Card simply adds eligibility for enhanced set of in-person services In conjunction with existing procedures for determining eligibility, Post 9/11 Era status will be determined Separate verification of Post 9/11 Era status is NOT required Gold Card Intake & Eligibility
Combines skill assessment, career coaching, job search assistance and follow-up Comprehensive Assessment (Veterans and One Stop Staff encouraged to fully access on-line assessment tools) Development of an Individual Development Plan Covers a 6 month period to jump start the participants reconnection to the civilian labor force via Monthly contact from an assigned case manager Services are both in-person and online Gold Card Services
Career exploration tool customized for veterans Enhanced look-up by service and military code or title Translate military occupation to civilian careers Find related training and job listings Gold Card Online Resources
Transition Resources Information about Unemployment Benefits Military - to – Civilian Job Search Gold Card Online Resources
VETS has committed to supporting this Initiative by increasing the delivery of intensive services by DVOP specialists and LVER staff ETA has committed to supporting this Initiative by increasing the delivery of intensive services by WIA staff DVOP, LVER or other staff will provide the client with appropriate services, such as resume development, referral to training, and job referral State and local officials are encouraged to take the necessary initiatives to handle increased workload Gold Card Roles & Responsibilities
Many Post 9/11 Era Veterans are members of the Florida National Guard According to the Florida National Guard, over the last 12 months, returning soldiers have an average unemployment rate of 17% To enhance existing veterans programs and services to ensure the inclusion of Floridas National Guard, the DEO has joined forces with the Department of Military Affairs in a new initiative which introduces the soldiers of the Florida National Guard to the Florida One-Stop Career Center System 13 FL National Guard Initiative
The One-Stop Veterans Employment staff will provide Florida National Guard soldiers with tools not only to aid in the employment search but also to enable them to have a successful transition upon return from or in preparing for deployment. FLNG members will be offered the same programs and services provided to other eligible Veterans Active membership in FLNG is sufficient to meet criteria for DVOP/LVER services in Florida FL National Guard Services
Two new Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) activity codes have been established to provide identification and tracking of services to veterans who use the new Gold Card and/or are members of the Florida National Guard FLNG Member Service - Staff use this service to identify individuals as active members of the FLNG when providing services Gold Card - Staff use this service code to record a Post 9/11 Veterans participation in the USDOL Gold Card initiative. FL National Guard Intake & Eligibility
Shawn Forehand State Veterans Program Coordinator Phone:(850) / Fax: (850) Paul Furbush Asst. Veterans Program Coordinator Phone:(850) DEO Veterans Workforce program Resources resources/program-resources An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. Contact Information