Jupiter EDWARD MARTINEZ This is Jupiter the bigest planet in the whole solar system EDWARD MARTINEZ
History Gaileo gaililei discovered jupiter in 1610 With his telescope jupiter got its name by the roman god of kings
Solar System Jupiter is the fifth order from the sun! Jupiter 483.8 million mi away from the sun Orbit period is 12 years and the rotation is 9 hours and 50 minutes
Moons Jupiter has 67moon.four main moons Europa Ganmede Callis Lo Plus Jupiter has the samllest moon
Planet appearance Jupiter looks likes a cooper light color but from a telescope it looks like a big star so times you might say I found Jupiter! but you found a star so get it right and Jupiter big red spot you can put 56 earths in Jupiter’s big red spot but the
Rings Jupiter has fain hallo narrow rings that are in invisible to earth and the telescope but they are stil cool!
Exploration The only people that discovered Jupiter are GAILEO, rupert wlidt are the only people that discovered Jupiter
Interesting Facts Jupiter has the shortest day of the whole solar system
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