R EIMBURSEMENT W ORKSHOP For Graduate Student Groups at Wash U.
A few words on depositing $$... $$ collected from membership dues, event guests, contributions, sponsors, etc. should NEVER be used directly to pay for items or services (unless you have prior approval from Dean Curtis). All $$ collected MUST be deposited in your groups account with Louise Neeley or Susan Shannon in the Graduate School (Cupples II Room 204) as soon as possible. Dont walk around with your groups $$!!!
Submit your reimbursement request & documentation within TWO business days following your event
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WHAT YOU NEED! Tax exempt status letter Wal-Mart tax exempt card Schnucks charge card B EFORE YOU MAKE YOUR PURCHASES …
T AX EXEMPT STATUS LETTER Washington University is a tax exempt institution Your groups $$ comes from Wash U You shouldnt pay tax on ANY purchase made for your group! G ET YOUR COPY OF THE TAX EXEMPTION LETTER AT THE LIBERMAN GRADUATE CENTER
W AL - MART TAX EXEMPT CARD NOT a charge card Allows you to make tax exempt purchases at Wal-mart Your out-of-pocket expenses to be reimbursed Check out from Grad Center front desk! Check in card with receipt within hours of event
S CHNUCKS C ORPORATE C HARGE C ARD Check out from Liberman Graduate Center front desk! Automatically tax exempt No $$ out of your pocket Check in card with receipt and reimbursement form within hours of your event
D ON T FORGET TO TURN IN THE RECEIPT ! Schnucks Card accrues interest if not paid in full each billing cycle Loss of receipt/failure to turn in can result in additional charges or in loss of charging privileges Turn in your receipt & social reimbursement form when you return the card
A T THE STORE OR RESTAURANT … G ET WHAT YOU NEED THE FIRST TIME !!! business name contact information description of items with associated cost Proof of payment
Y OU MAY NEED TWO DOCUMENTS TO PROVIDE ITEMIZATION AND PROOF OF PAYMENT Business Name description of items with associated cost contact information Proof of payment is missing! Total amount on this receipt does NOT include proof of payment!
H ANDWRITTEN R ECEIPTS … Itemization What to look for… Proof of Payment Business/Vendor Name Contact Information- MISSING – IN ENGLISH - MISSING
H ANDWRITTEN R ECEIPTS … Before you turn it in… Provide English translation of itemization Provide additional documentation showing proof of payment
D ON T F ORGET THE TIP ! Food = $ Gratuity is reimbursable Food + Tip = $ Use Food + Tip on Food/Bev Line on Graduate Student Group Reimbursement Form = $127.00
P ROBLEMS & S OLUTIONS SOLUTION : Problem: Receipt is not itemized or Go Back to the vendor and ask for an itemized receipt. Call vendor and request itemized receipt be ed or faxed to LGC Office
P ROBLEMS & S OLUTIONS SOLUTION : Problem: Receipt does not show proof of payment Go Back to the vendor and ask them to mark receipt paid in full If you paid in cash, have them write paid in full-cash. If you paid by check, have them write paid by check and include check #. If you paid by credit card, ask for duplicate copy of the credit charge slip.
P ROBLEMS & S OLUTIONS SOLUTION : Problem: No proof of payment; unresponsive vendor Go Back to the vendor in person and ask to speak to a manager If you paid in cash, you must obtain a statement from vendor of what was purchased and verification that the bill was paid, in cash, in full. (Can be faxed or ed) If you paid by check, you may submit a bank statement or a copy of cancelled check for the transaction (black out account numbers and non-related expenses). If you paid by credit card, you may submit a copy of your credit card statement (black out account numbers and non-related expenses
F INAL S TEPS Attach your documentation to a completed Graduate Student Group Reimbursement Form Obtain approval of treasurer or president (note: you cannot approve your own reimbursement) Submit your documentation and Graduate Student Group Reimbursement Form to Dean Curtis or to Nancy Help your treasurer to maintain your groups budget; report all reimbursements to them immediately