Massive False Aneurysm of the Peroneal Artery Treated by Endovascular Stenting A. Karim, A. Parvaiz, M. Alner, C. Gosling, N. Lagattolla EJVES Extra Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 30-32 (February 2004) DOI: 10.1016/S1533-3167(03)00115-8
Fig. 1 (A) Large false aneurysm arising from the peroneal artery, adjacent to a healed fibular fracture. (B) Angiogram demonstrating successful deployment of a coronary stent across the tear in the peroneal artery with good run off and complete exclusion of the false aneurysm. EJVES Extra 2004 7, 30-32DOI: (10.1016/S1533-3167(03)00115-8)