Configuring APACS & AAN Controllers System Startup Configuring APACS & AAN Controllers
Getting Going… The first time you work on any system can be intimidating. There are lots of pieces that must be put together before everything will work. Then you have to configure the software, the hardware, etc., etc. This is a quick guide that covers network based systems to get you from opening the box to making your first successful access grant. The very first step is opening the box received from the factory. Make sure that everything conforms to the packing list for the entire shipment. If items are missing or broken, immediately take pictures of the received goods for later processing of insurance claims.
Connect Controller Connect power to the controller 12V ~1A Connect the controller to the network Use a network switch or crossover cable Ethernet Switch First step is to connect the controller to power. We will need a 12V power supply that has at least 1 Amp of current available. Remember to check polarity when wiring! Next connect the controller to the network through a switch or router so that it is accessible from the PC that will run APACS. Use a standard network (CAT 5e) cable. APACS PC AAN-100
Check Operation When everything is connected correctly, check the LEDs to confirm proper operation The top LED on the AAN should be flashing a ‘heartbeat’. This indicates proper power and firmware initialization. The ‘Link’ LED on the ANI should be lit steady. This indicates a proper network connection. Before continuing it is also important to check to make sure the DIP switch settings are correct, but for this example we will assume that you are using the factory set options which will work out of the box.
Program the IP Address InitAAN utility to program Ping to confirm Use the InitAAN utility (available on website) to program the desired IP address of the AAN. Start program Click Search Highlight the desired controller (if more than one found) Enter desired IP address Click Program Use the Ping utility to confirm that the address was programmed correctly. Start Menu > Run > cmd At command prompt, type ‘ping’ (or whatever IP Address was used) If communication is successful, the system will return reply messages If all was successful, hardware is ready!
Connect Reader Interface Connect the AIM-4SL reader interface to the first communication port Use ‘crossover’ wiring (T>R, R>T) Set address of AIM-4SL with DIP switch The AIM-4SL reader interface also needs communication (RS-485) connection as well as power. If the power supply is rated high enough, the same one can be used for all devices.
Connect Reader Follow reader instructions to connect wires for power, comms and LEDs/buzzer Wire the reader connections to the proper terminals using the information provided by the reader manufacturer and the AIM-4SL installation manual. It is essential to connect at least power and communication. Remember to JUMPER unused auxiliary inputs and/or door contacts or they will constantly signal alarms and cause other problems. It is also advisable to use UNSUPERVISED mode for alarm inputs until all other configuration has been verified. This will prevent unnecessary alarms that are generated due to end of line resistors being missing.
Install Software Install from CD or download package from Apollo Website A key is required to use APACS Hardware key – USB dongle that plugs into the PC Software key – A file that is downloaded from Apollo’s website after providing an activation code. Save the file in the APACS install directory. Refer to the installation guide if you need information on installing the program or obtaining a software key. The document can be found in the root directory of the APACS CD.
System Configuration Launch System Configuration Add PC Default user/password: 1/1 Add PC Right-click system tree: Add Number isn’t needed IP Address of local PC, use numeric address or name The default user/password is 1/1 for all APACS databases (this should of course be changed before putting the system into production). The first element that must be added to configuration is the PC. This is the computer where APACS is currently running. The PC is identified in the system by the IP address (the Number is used only if the PC is not connected to a network). The TCP Port doesn’t’ need to be modified for most systems.
System Configuration Add the controller to the PC Network communication type Set IP Address in Communication Settings Next the controller must be added to the PC object. There are many configuration options for the PC, but for now just set the name and communication type. After Network communication is selected, Communication Settings will become available so that the IP address can be entered.
Add Reader Add the reader to the controller The first reader on an AIM-4SL is always master (matches number on DIP switch) Select proper Port and Address If you don’t have a door contact connected yet, go to hardware menu and unselect door contact control Next add at least one reader to the controller. When using an AIM-4SL, the first reader always corresponds to the physical address that is programmed on the DIP switch. Disabling door contact control will make sure that they system doesn’t wait for a door contact to change state to record that access was granted. This is useful for doors with no contact and also for testing or when the door contact is malfunctioning.
Config Check Your system tree should now look like this: Compare your configuration screen with the one above.
Permissions Assign permissions to the default permissions set: ‘1’ Make sure Message and Control permissions are granted for all objects Before actually downloading information to the hardware, make sure that you have permissions to a) see messages that will come from the hardware and b) control the hardware. If you didn’t have permissions, hardware would work anyway, but you would not be able to see what is happening, making it very hard to diagnose problems.
Check Global Settings Make sure global settings are correct for the system Click on root of system tree Save configuration Global system settings specify important details such as the maximum number of cards that can be loaded to the panel, how many access levels can be used, anti-passback and other features. For just getting the system going, it’s not necessary to modify anything, but it’s important to come back to these settings later and make sure that the correct options are enabled for the system. The more unused options that are eliminated, the more space will be available for cards and events. Some common options: -Save Expiration Date -6 Access Levels -Max Cards (+20% of expected use)
Start Communication Launch Alarm Mode If messages are displayed for ‘Online’ then configuration is correct. Also check with Hardware Status Alarm Mode is the module that actually communicates with hardware, so it should be launched to test the configuration. Immediately upon logon, it will detect a new configuration has been made and will attempt to communicate with the controller. The status can be seen from the messages (Power Up, online, etc) and also by opening Hardware Status. To check that communication is working properly, an auxiliary input on the reader can be set to alarm in order to generate a message on the Guard station. Also, issuing a One Pass command from the reader control menu and listening for the relay on the reader interface to change state will verify that there is proper operation.
Test a Card Swipe a card at the reader A message should display with the result Card Format Error or Wrong Facility Code Swiping a card at the reader will confirm that it has been connected and configured correctly and will verify the card settings. It’s unlikely that without modification the card will work, but some important information can be provided by the access deny. If the incorrect card format is in use, “Card Format Error” will be displayed If the incorrect facility code is used, “Wrong Facility Code” will be displayed along with the actual facility code from the card. If both the format and facility code are correct, the card number will be display along with “Unknown Card”. If the card has already been assigned to a user, either “Access Grant” or “Access Deny” will result. It’s also possible that nothing will happen on the Guard station when a card is read. This can be due to several problems: 1. Card was rejected locally at reader resulting in no error is shown. This can be due to a card being the wrong format that is not close enough to the expected format to even be considered by the reader. The card can also be rejected locally if it an incorrect standards (e.g. reading a Farpointe card at an HID reader). 2. Wiegand wires are reversed, or Wiegand ground is not connected (especially if reader is powered from separate source). 4. Reader is in locked mode (that is default state until you perform "Normalize" command for the first time). The reader may show a steady red LED when locked. If all LED control lines have been connected, the reader will flash a green LED when it is ready to read cards. In such cases I recommend testing inputs (DC and/or AUX to see if those messages come). Or controlling reader form alarm mode to check if relays click.
Set Card Format Change Card Format in Controller Configuration to match the cards in use Set the bit length and facility code Save configuration and swipe the card again From the information obtained in Alarm Mode, the card format can be specified in System Configuration. Additional information may be necessary if the card format is incorrect. This is usually available on the box that the cards were shipped in. Enter the correct bit format. APACS is pre-programmed for many standard bit formats such as 26-bit and 31-bit. If after trying the correct format cards are still not being read properly, it will be necessary to obtain the exact encoding format parameters and contact your Apollo Support Representative for assistance on using the format. The correct facility code can usually be determined by APACS if the card format is known. Simply swiping the card will show the facility code in the Access Denied message.
Create Access Level Name the Access Level and then add reader/time zone Use the system time zone ‘Always’ Once the correct parameters are entered so that APACS can interpret the card number, an access level must be created that can be assigned to the card. Define the access level by naming it and then assigning a reader to it paired with a time zone.
Create User & Assign Access Level Use the card number to create a new user with card and assign the AL The final step is to create a cardholder and assign the card. The access level must be assigned to the card issue and once it is saved, it will be automatically sent to the controller (Alarm Mode must be running).
First Access Grant Finally swiping the card will grant access and the door will open!