Update on GEM Activities for the 12 GeV Program in Hall A at JLab Kondo GNANVO University of Virginia (UVa)
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Outline GEM trackers for the Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) APV25-MPD Readout for SBS Test of APV25 systems at UVa. K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) in Hall A @ JLab General Purpose Spectrometer for 12GeV DIS and SIDIS experiments High Luminosity Spectrometer: 1038 /cm2/s, High background: 500 kHz/cm2 (low energy photons mainly) General Purpose will be used in different configurations for 12GeV nucleon elastic form factor and SIDIS experiments Forward angle, Large acceptance, Good angular and momentum resolutions: 0.2 mrad, 0.5% @ 4-8 GeV/c Large luminosity Moderate acceptance Forward angles Reconfigurable detectors K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY APV25-MPD Readout Electronics for SBS GEM FEC 4.0 MPD DAQ 75 mm 49.5 mm Passive backplane (optional) 2D readout Up to 40m twisted, shielded copper cable (HDMI) tested Main features: Use analog readout APV25 chips 2 “active” components: Front-End card and VME64x custom module Backplane acting as signal bus, electrical shielding, GND and mechanical support Flex adapters available for “standard” PANASONIC GEM connectors. K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY APV25 FE Card APV25 chip on Front End card based on COMPASS original design Bus like digital lines (CLOCK, trigger and I2C) & Low Voltages Single differential line for the ANALOG out ZIF connectors on the GEM side 800 front-end cards needed Diode protection against spark Digital IN/OUT + LV APV25 Chip ZIF Connectors Analog output K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY MPD: Multi Purpose Digitizer MPD VME controller hosts the digitization of the analog signals coming from the front-end card. Handle all control signals required by the front end cards (trigger/clock/I2C) Compliant to the JLab/12 VME64x VITA 41 (VXS) standard Designed with the possibility to detach the ADC subcomponent to extend FEC-VME64x distance (expected to be ~7 m) 50 modules required K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY APV25-MPD DAQ Software K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY APV25-SRS Readout Electronics Main features of the Scalable readout System (SRS): 3 main components: APV25 Front-End card and ADC card + Digitizer board Data transfer through Gb Ethernet via UDP using DATE software developed by ALICE DAQ Decoder + basic data analysis with AMORE Framework provided by ALICE DAQ K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY MPD data X-axis t1 Y-axis X-axis, t1 + 25 ns t1 + 50 t1 + 75 ns t1 + 100 ns t1 + 125 ns K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY APV25-SRS raw data 25 ns time samples 128 ADC channels K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Offline correction of the Common mode Pedestal rms Common mode baseline varies with time sample This effect is corrected in AMORE software both for pedestal data and event data as well K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY SRS Electronics: pedestal rms vs. nb of time samples ADC Counts ADC Counts 3 time samples 6 time samples 7.7 5.2 ADC channels ADC channels ADC Counts ADC Counts 9 time samples 12 time samples 4 3.2 ADC channels ADC channels K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Pedestal rms: SRS vs. MPD ADC counts ~ 15 ADC Counts ADC channels MPD 5.2 ADC Counts ADC channels SRS Pedestal rms 3 times higher for the MPD w.r.t SRS This effect could be in part because the common mode baseline is not yet integrated in the MPD decoder software K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY X/Y Charge sharing: SRS vs. MPD SRS MPD SRS MPD K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Summary Have both APV based SRS and MPD Electronics setup at UVa APV25-MPD is the readout system for the SBS GEM trackers Both system are working properly and the performances are comparable We have about 5K electronic channels available with the 2 system Data APV25-MPD system have a higher noisy in part because of common mode baseline offset not correct To do Develop apv25 FE card with Panasonic connectors for MPD system Develop a more robust analysis software package for MPD electronics. Integration of the APV25-SRS and APV25-MPD into JLab DAQ system (CODA) K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
GEM Team @ Univ. of Virginia Senior Research Scientist: Prof. Nilanga Liyanage, Dr Vladimir Nelyubin Research Scientist: Dr Kondo Gnanvo Students: Kiadtisak Saenboonruang, Chao Gu, Xinzhan Bai, Taylor Sholtz, Seth Saher … SBS Coll. Colleagues in Italy INFN Roma (Sanita) Dr. Evaristo Cisbani INFN Catania Prof. Vincenzo Bellini INFN Genova Dr. Paolo Musico K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Backup K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY SRS Electronics: pedestal rms evaluation K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Pedestal rms (ADC Counts) APV0 APV1 APV2 APV3 APV4 APV5 APV6 APV7 APV8 K. Gnanvo - WG5 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY