‘He is not easy to describe ‘He is not easy to describe. There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable. I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet I scarce know why. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn’t specify the point. He is an extraordinary looking man, and yet I can name nothing out of the way.’ What words create a feeling of uncertainty or fear? Write a list in your book, with a brief explanation of why you have chosen them. What sort of person is being described? Use language from the extract to support your ideas. OR
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Duality L.O: How does Stevenson create fear through his writing? CHALLENGE: To recognise how Stevenson captures the anxiety of a Victorian audience.
Duality in the Victorian Era Prostitution hit its peak. Homosexuality still punishable by death. Class warfare raged on. Poor people had no voice, no rights, and (obviously) no income. Children were starved in workhouses. Rich/Poor divide was huge. Jack the Ripper prowled the streets. Pollution was high. Religious zeal at all time high. Child Labour was rife throughout London. Pornography almost as popular as it is today. Social conventions so strict that criminal underworld developed deeper and deeper. Outward appearance of dignity was valued more than genuine humanity. Empire at its height. Science moving forward. Charles Darwin wrote theory of evolution. Britain policed the seas, stopping slavery ships. Public health act made it compulsory for all houses to have running water and sewage facilities. The police force were introduced. Cars began to appear. Railways built and spread across Britain. Electric Light bulb invented. Free Education introduced for everyone up to the age of 10.
Witness to a very strange event… Nomination Reading. Rules: You may read from 3 sentences up to one page. You cannot nominate people who have already read. Pages 1- 8 ‘The Story of the Door’
How does Stevenson create fear? In pairs, find three quotes which you believe effectively demonstrate a frightening atmosphere, write these in your book. Then in a different colour underline three key words from your quote. Be ready to share your ideas!
Any successful media that’s produced for entertainment, if it is aiming to shock or to criticise, has to play on the fears of its contemporary audience. What we all do behind closed doors was one of the biggest fears in Victorian society – second perhaps only to the fear of being caught behind closed doors yourself.
How does Stevenson create a frightening atmosphere? Write a PEAL paragraph to answer the question above. Remember to use the quotes you have found in the last task. Stevenson creates a fearful environment in Chapter 1… CHALLENGE: How does Stevenson capture the anxiety of a Victorian Audience?
Odd One Out! All Science Vs Religion debate in Victorian society EXCEPT the workhouse