Presented By: Brent Penzo Jessica Allen Zach Jennings
American Express issues lines of credit for many different individuals, small companies, and large corporations. Incentives are given to card holders that use it frequently. Most incentives are travel based and cover such things as airline tickets, rental cars, and hotels. American Express merchants are also offered special marketing opportunities as well as trend reports to help them obtain potential customers.
Individual Credit Cards Premium Reward Card Flexible Payment Card Air Travel Partner Card Hotel Partner Card
Small Business Credit Cards Premium Rewards Card Classic Rewards Card Partner Card Basic Card
Corporate Credit Cards Amex Corporate Card Program Amex Business ExtrAA Corporate Card Program
American Express Market Cap:$51B P/E:27.73 Profit Margin:11.09% Return on Equity:16.28% Market Cap:$399B P/E:NM Profit Margin:3.1% Return on Equity:3.1% Industry
DFSAXPMAVIndustry Market Cap:8.47B51.06B33.33B68.40B399.91M Employees:10,50058,3005,1005, K Qtrly Rev Growth (yoy):8.50%12.50%6.00%12.70%16.30% Revenue (ttm):2.50B19.21B5.10B7.13B183.88M Gross Margin (ttm):100.00%76.30%100.00%84.16%80.28% EBITDA (ttm):N/A 2.56B3.98B92.29M Oper Margins (ttm):13.47%9.70%47.43%52.55%25.91% Net Income (ttm):982.32M1.81B1.45B2.54BN/A EPS (ttm): P/E (ttm): PEG (5 yr expected): P/S (ttm):
P/E Ratio Estimate: $46.51 P/CF Ratio Estimate: $47.71 P/S Ratio Estimate: $57.47 Current Market Price: $43.06