Dandelion Transection Lab: In your IAN Objectives: “How and why is abundance of dandelion varied between the three sites” To give an opportunity to explore two different measures of abundance: DENSITY: the number of individual plants per quadrat or per unit area FREQUENCY: the proportion of quadrats each species occurs in
DANDELION LAB: Objectives: “How and why is abundance of dandelion varied between the three sites” Introduction: purpose, background, hypothesis Materials and Methods IAN Sectioned off pictures of three sites Pen Compare each of the sites Make a table and a sketch of each one in your IAN Count the number of dandelions in each quadrant of each site Analysis Sketch and table Conclusion: Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
Site A Site B Site C Look at each picture. Each picture is a field of dandelions that has been sectioned off into 9 sections. Count the number of dandelions in each section of each picture. Then make a table and a sketch of each site in your IAN. Mark where and how many dandelions are in each quadrant of each site. Compare and contrast each of the sites