Also: Testing Norms and Procedures Unit 1: Engage Review Also: Testing Norms and Procedures
Testing Norms and Procedures Take your assessments seriously Tests/Exams/Quizes start at the beginning of the block No time for questions No extra time will be given if you cannot make it to class on time Let me know of any accommodations Standard expectations No talking Raise your hand if you have a question, etc.. Be sure to turn in your review questions
Scientific Method Notes and Practice Questions Review Quiz #1 Manipulated Variable Responding Variable Hypothesis Rational Control Variables Experimental Groups Control Groups
Lab 1-1: Roly Poly’s Carrying out the scientific process Observe carefully Question / Hypothesis Experiment and collect data Look for Patterns Draw conclusions
Lab 1-2: Becoming a Keen Observer Apple Lab Carefully observation Qualitative Quantitative Observation vs. Inference
Journal 1-1: Lucy and Journal 1-2: Modeling Earths History Organisms have changed over time Earth is really, really old Scientists have built a historical timeline by following the process of science. Careful observation of fossils Logical Inference
Journal1-3: Learning about Natural selection How do organisms change over time? Natural Selection Key point: Natural Selection acts on populations not individuals. OCVSRS = natural selection Be able to relate to other scenarios Natural vs. artificial selection
Lab 1-3: Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Key Point: Bacteria have resistance to antibiotics. (Not the other way around) Variation exist within bacterial species Ex. E. Coli = species Ability to grow in the presence of antibiotic = variation
Variation arises through random mutation Mutations are not responses to the environment
Journal 1-4: Evolution in Action O = bacterial populations grow exponentially C = bacterium are limited by space and available food V = some bacteria have antibiotic resistance S = in the presence of antibiotics, resistant bacteria survive R = surviving bacteria reproduce making a resistant strain Causing antibiotic to be ineffective
Journal 1-5: White Clover Real world example of Evolution by natural selection and the scientific process Populations of clover evolve not individual clovers