August 1st-5th Navarrete News News from 5TH GRADE What We’re Learning! UPCOMING EVENTS: Wake Up with Whitlark: August 17th from 8:45-9:15 PTO Meeting: August 17th from 3:30-4:30 in library Restaurant Day: August 17th, Which Wich @ San Tan BINGO Night- August 26th in MPR from 6-8 What We’re Learning! ELA Story: A Royal Mystery Focus Skill: Theme Spelling: Long a and Long e Vocab Strategy: Prefixes non-, un-, dis-, mis- Grammar: Kinds of Sentences Writing: Narrative Writing **Test dates are listed under ELA tab on website or on your child’s agenda.** Math Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions Topic: Using place value, multiplication and expressions to represent and solve problems. Key Vocabulary: Inverse Operations, Numerical Expressions, Evaluate, Order of Operations, Period, Distributive Property, Base, Exponent Things to practice at home: Multiplication Facts Social Studies First Colonies States in United State- 1st region test Fri 8/12 Read Aloud The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate 5TH GRADE REMINDERS AR goals have been assigned. Please remind your children to read, read, read. **Check agenda daily ** Parents: see what we are doing in class each day Students: agenda reminds you what you have for homework each night in all of your classes. Be sure to check out the 5th grade website for helpful links Be sure to check Infinite Campus for updates on your grades, that way there will be no surprises.