Graded Destiny Essays Let’s See How We Did
My Marks Check mark over word = good word choice Circled on rubric = missing or incorrect Pencil comments = feedback about content Highlighted sentences = you need to fix grammatically
Notes in General Strong points general structure (intro, body, conclusion) good topic sentences Improve (see exemplar) tighten with stronger theses & concluding/linking sentences in body paragraphs explain significance of quote
Minor Mistakes call author by last name in-text citation = last name only punctuation of titles poems, short stories, & songs all use quotes; do NOT underline Spell out numbers <100
Verb Tense Inconsistency “Today was the best day of my life! I bought a new car. I was looking forward to this day for a long time. The car that I wanted is waiting for me when I had pulled up. I ran to it, looked inside, and will get a salesman to help me. I was able to drive the car around the neighborhood and I discovered that I had to have it. I would talk to the salesman and convince him to give me a good price. I am happy as I drive away from the dealership in my new Corvette.”
Run-Ons How many “who does what” MUST join with A sentence = a “who does what” I like pink cows they are neat MUST join with , conjunction (, and) ; subordinating conjunction (because) probably shouldn’t have more than 3 per sentence
Pronoun-Antecedent Everybody believes that they can control their destiny. Each person must decide their own view on destiny.
Redneck Grammar Ninja If you judy chop a sentence with a subordinating conjunction, ____________. If the grammar ninja chops a sentence, it must __________________. If the one-legged sentence comes first in the sentence, ______________________. Two independent sentences can be joined by the grammar cupid with ____________.