Dean, Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Review, Revise, and Reset: Institution-Set Standards Mehmet "Dali" Ӧztürk, Ph.D. Dean, Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness February 2018
ACCJC Guide to Evaluating and Improving Institutions What criteria and processes does the college use to determine its priorities and set minimum expectations (institution-set standards) for student achievement, including required expectations of performance for course completion, job placement rates, and licensure examination passage rates? (Federal Regulation) To what extent does the college achieve its standards? (Federal Regulation) How does the college use accreditation annual report data to assess performance against the institution-set standards? If an institution does not meet its own standards, what plans are developed and implemented to enable it to reach these standards? (Federal Regulation)
Course Completion Rate (14b. 12a.) Student Achievement Data Requested by ACCJC District level Course Completion Rate (14b. 12a.) Student Retention Rate-Fall to Fall (15b.) Student Degree Completion (16b. 13a.) Student Transfer to 4-year Colleges/universities (17b. 15a.) Student Certificate Completion (18b. 14a.) Program level Career Technical Education (CTE) Licensure Employment
Methods for Setting and Using the Standards Reasonable Appropriate Realistic
Proposed Method for Setting the Standards Review most current and historical performance (multi-year/longitudinal data disaggregated by ethnicity and other demographic characteristics as appropriate) Generate multi-year averages for performance (5-8 years) Determine performance indicators based on data analysis, institutional history and context (standards)
Proposed Method for Using the Standards Proposed Method for Using the Standards Develop a performance range and/or color coding (Trapp, 2013): Range =>5% Above Target-Excellent + or – 5% On Target-Good =<5% Below Target-Needs Attention
Dissect new standard that requires Institutional-Set Standards Proposed Steps for Reviewing/Revising and Updating Institutional-Set Standards Dissect new standard that requires Institutional-Set Standards Identify required areas Determine appropriate metrics Update/align with ACCJC definitions Collect and analyze data Update/reset minimum standards Propose recommendations and bring to Senior Management for discussion Follow participatory governance structure Publish and disseminate (e.g., post online, e-news, etc.)
Need a process to set Stretch Goals Manual for Institutional Self-Evaluation Program Review IEPI ISS Process
Multi-Year District Average Institution-set Standard Recommendations Student Achievement Area Multi-Year District Average Recommendation* 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Course Completion Rate (14b.) 67% (Fall 2005 to Fall 2012) 55% 69% 68% 71% Student Retention Rate-Fall to Fall (15b.) 58% (Fall 2005 -> Fall 2006 to Fall 2012 -> Fall 2013) 50% 65% 64% 63% Student Degree Completion (16b.) 843 (2005-06 to 2012-13) 700 1,089 1,122 1,206 Student Transfer to 4-year Colleges/universities (17b.) 35% (2002-03 to 2006-07) 30% 34% (2007/2008 Cohort) 33% (2008/2009 (2009/2010 Student Certificate Completion (18b.) 409 300 756 668 877 *Approved by the COS Board of Trustees in February 2014
Proposed Standards
Proposed Standards February 2018
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