Industrial and Organizational Psychology Lecture 19 Employee Heath & Well-Being
The concept of mental health Affective well-being Competence Autonomy Aspiration Integrated functioning: balance, harmony, inner relatedness
Environmental influences on mental health Opportunity for control Opportunity for skill use Externally generated goals Environmental variety Environmental clarity Availability of money Physical security Opportunity for interpersonal contact Valued social position
Work-family Conflict Interrole conflict occurs as a result of trying to balance the demands of the work and family life work-to-family interface Family-to-work interface Time based Strain based Behavioral based
1 2 3 4 5 6 ________________________________________________________________ Strongly Disagre Somewhat Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree ____1. The time I spend on family responsibilities often interferes with my work ____2. The behaviors that work for me at home do not seem to be effective at work. ____3. I have to miss family activities due to the amount of time I must spend on work responsibilities. ____4. Due to all the pressures at work, sometimes when I come home I am too stressed to do the things I enjoy.
Sample Characteristics Work Family Conflict in Turkey (Aycan & Eskin, 2005) Sample Characteristics Total of 463 individual respondents from 38 different cities of Turkey belonging to dual-Career Families with Child(ren) under the age of 7 Number of children: 1: %63 2: %34 3: %3.4 Age of child(ren): M: 59.51 mnths SD: 35.5 Family Income: Slightly below the average: %12 Below the average: % 8 Average: % 38 Slightly above the average: % 27 Above the average: % 15
Results – Descriptive Statistics Scale Max. Men M SD Women M SD Independent Sample t-test Family-to-Work Conflict 5 1.86 .87 1.96 .89 1.19 Work-to-Family Conflict 2.59 .72 2.78 .70 2.81** Childcare Support 3.05 .90 3.41 .68 2.05* Spousal Support (received)-Emotional 3.86 .53 3.73 .62 -2.23* Spousal Support (received)-Instrumental 3.91 .48 3.35 .81 -8.70*** Supervision support 3.25 .81 3.01 .72 -3.13** Organizational WFC practices 7 2.92 .70 2.44 .55 0.42 Time demand & inflexibility 3.44 .68 3.39 .67 0.79 Depression 63 7.88 6.77 9.00 7.17 1.71 Life Satisfaction 3.26 .70 3.41 .70 2.33* Satisfaction with Parenthood 3.56 .52 3.45 .56 -2.18* Satisfaction with Time Spent with Children 2.71 .99 2.53 1.03 -1.86 Employment-Related Guilt 2.36 .77 2.69 .81 4.28*** Marital Satisfaction 3.71 .50 3.79 .55 0.71
Gender Difference in Experiences of WIF & FIW
Antecedents and Consequences of WFC: A Regression Model for Women Emotional Spousal Support Life Satisfaction Depression -.32*** Work Overload -.24*** .48*** Satisfaction with Parenthood .39 *** -.34*** Organizational Support WFC -.17 ** .51*** Employment Related Guilt .32*** Satisfaction with Childcare Facilities -.13 * Children’s Behavioral Problems -.19 ** -.34*** -.25** Perceived Satisfaction of Child(ren) with Time Spent with Parents Family Relations Performance Change
Employment Related Guilt Antecedents and Consequences of WFC: A Regression Model for Men Life Satisfaction Instrumental Spousal Support -.17* Depression -.19* .29*** Satisfaction with Parenthood -.35*** WFC .20** .60*** Employment Related Guilt Work Overload -.32*** Family Relations
Work schedules Shift work Flexible work hours Compressed workweek