Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong Part 2
Make a list of advantages we, today, have over those who lived with Jesus while He was on earth. Are we more or less able to relate to Jesus and have Him meet our needs? 12/5/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
What is “saving faith” and how is it demonstrated in the life? 12/5/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
What is the total scope of the gospel in terms of how it relates to us? 12/5/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in leading us into a relationship of complete surrender to God? 12/5/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong