Maps & Globes by Brad Hinch
Objective: Students will learn to interpret maps and globes. 3rd Grade Curriculum
GLOBE: A globe is a model of the earth.
The North Pole is the point farthest north on the Earth The North Pole is the point farthest north on the Earth. The South Pole is the point farthest south on the Earth. The Equator is an imaginary line going around the Earth ahlfway between the North and South Poles. The area above the equator is the Northern Hemisphere and the area below the equator is the Southern Hemisphere. North Pole Northern Hemisphere Equator Southern Hemisphere South Pole South Pole
Cardinal Directions: There are 4 cardinal directions, they are north, south, east, and west. Compass Rose: The compass Rose is a small drawing on a map that helps you find where the directions are on the map. It helps you orient the map.
Smartnotebook pages World – North America – United States
Map Key: a map key tells you what the symbols on the map you are looking at stand for. Locator Map: a small map on a bigger map that shows where the area is located on the bigger map. Locator Map Map Key
Using a Grid Map
References: Clipart – Microsoft Word Clipart Missouri Map, Wrld Map – “ Owensville Map –