Quick Reference Guide: Development Directory 1. Navigate to the form Navigate to the Academy Central intranet page. Click on the link for Skills Profiler on the right hand side of the screen under “Access your skills”. Figure 1: Navigate to the form 2. Instructions Read the instructions about using Skills Profiler and the Development Directory. Click Start when you are ready to begin. Figure 2: Instructions
3. Filter by type 4. Filter by department Development Directory 3. Filter by type You have the ability to either create a needs based development plan or go straight to the Development Directory. This document covers using the Development Directory. Make sure that View Development Directory is selected in the Filter by Type section. Figure 3: Filter by Type 4. Filter by department To search for your job you should select the department where you work from the filter on the left hand side of the screen. Each department is then broken down by job family. Figure 4: Filter by Department
5. Select Job 6. Select your skills Development Directory 5. Select Job 5. Select the job that you wish view the Development Directory for by clicking either on the picture or the title of the job. Figure 5: Select Job 6. Select your skills Select the skills that you wish to add to your development plan by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the skill. Each type of skill (Business Impact, Functional, Personal Impact or Leadership) is listed in a separate box. Click Generate Report to create a report of the skills which you have selected. Figure 6: Select your skills
7. Your Development Report Development Directory 7. Your Development Report Your Development report is loaded with all of the skills which you have selected. The report will show the required level for each skill and the actions which you can take. There is a section for Self Development, Experience & Coaching and Training. To see all of the details scroll down the screen. Click on the Show/Hide Skill Descriptors button if you wish to view the skill information. You can click on the blue title bar for each skill to minimise the skill and look at other skills which you have selected. To create a Development Plan click on the Create Development Plan button. If you wish to save a copy of the Development Report you can do this by clicking on the Download as PDF button. You can suggest new content by clicking suggest new content. Figure 7: Your Development Report
Development Directory 8. Suggest New Content If you have a suggestion for new development content you can make your suggestion by clicking on suggest new content at the bottom of the level box. A comments box is displayed where you need to enter your name, email address and details of your suggestion. The suggestion should be as you would want it to appear in the Development Directory. Browse website: Mindtools (Project Management Information) http://intranet.eu.tatasteel.com/irj/go/km/docs/wpccontent/Sites/EN/Corus%20and% 20me/Tata%20Steel%20Academy/Site%20Content/E-learning/New%20E- learning/TATA_Mind-Tools_JavaScript-Launch- Pad.html?mtcLinkURL=/community/Bite-SizedTraining/ProjectManagement.php Click Post when you are ready to post your suggestion. The suggestion will be sent for approval. Once approved the suggestion will be added to the relevant section. Figure 8: Suggest New Content
9. Create Development Plan Development Directory 9. Create Development Plan To create a development plan you should review the development actions which you can take and select the level in the skill that you need to develop. You should do this for Self Development, Experience & Coaching and Training. When doing this keep in mind the 70:20:10 rule. Also keep in mind that you do not need to make a selection for each area unless you choose to. When you have made all of the selections that you require click the Create Development Plan button. If you wish to download a copy of your development plan click the Download as PDF button. Figure 9: Create Development Plan
Development Directory 10. Download as PDF After clicking this option you will receive a message asking if you want to Open or Save the file. Select the option that you want to choose. If you open the file you will still be able to save the file within the PDF. The layout of the PDF is much the same as the layout of the Development Directory. The only difference is that the level details are listed below each other rather than side by side. If you wish to save the file within the PDF you can do this by selecting File > Save As.. Figure 10: Download as PDF