CSTAR HSLC Case Study Feb. 18, 2009 NWS Peachtree City, GA (FFC) Trisha Palmer, Steve Nelson, Adam Baker
Case Overview 2200Z 0100Z 0400Z Strong 100kt+ upper jet across SE Potent 996-992mb sfc low tracks NE across Great Lakes region Associated frontal features impact CWA Discrete cells initially after 20z well ahead of cold front in warm sector – later evolving into QLCS 2200Z 0100Z 0400Z
Environmental Parameters SBCAPE / MLCAPE: ~250-500 J/kg MUCAPE: ~500-1000 J/kg 0-6 km Shear: ~70-80 kts 0-1 km Shear: ~30-40 kts 0-3 km SRH: ~400-600 m^2/s^2 0-1 km SRH: ~350-500 m^2/s^2 STP: 1-2 0-1 km SRH: 00Z
Paths from SPC’s Online Severe Plot Cell Trend Analysis ~2300-0400Z C4 C3 C7 C2 C5 C6 C1 Paths from SPC’s Online Severe Plot 7 discrete tornadic cells GR2Analyst to analyze data from GSP, FFC, JGX, BMX radars (whichever provided best sampling of particular storm) Logged various data including Vr, NROT, ET height, VIL beginning ~1hr prior to initial tornadogenesis
Cell Trend Analysis
Cell Trend Analysis
Cell Trend Analysis
Cell Trend Analysis
Additional Details More to follow in full report Nearly all tornadic cells had hook echoes and BWERs for majority of analyzed period Several cells appeared to have mergers/boundary interactions