crestfallen: adjective definition: dejected; dispirited; discouraged having a drooping crest or head
crestfallen crest = the top of anything; peak Crestfallen comes from the words crest and fallen. word origin: crest = the top of anything; peak fallen = to drop down suddenly
crestfallen pronunciation: krest faw luh n
crestfallen disappointed dejected down depressed sad disconsolate synonyms: disappointed dejected down depressed sad disconsolate discouraged
crestfallen related forms: noun crestfallenness adverb crestfallenly
crestfallen The child was crestfallen when her ice cream fell off the cone.
crestfallen Chris Christie was clearly crestfallen after the New Hampshire primary and sadly returned to New Jersey rather than continuing to campaign.
crestfallen Crestfallen after losing the big game, the football player hung his head.
crestfallenly Simba perched crestfallenly on the limb.
crestfallenly The young ladies sob crestfallenly when they do not receive a rose on The Bachelor.
crestfallenness The stock crash caused the man’s crestfallenness.
crestfallenness Cam Newton’s crestfallenness after losing the 2016 Superbowl was obvious in his post-game interview.