What happened in Sheffield during the First World War? By Georgina Fletcher Walsh
Patriotic Fervour gripped Britain Patriotic Fervour gripped Britain.Towns and Cities including Sheffield raised ‘Pals Battalions’. In Sheffield it took just 2 days to recruit the full complement. The Sheffield steel industry switched to war production. Millions of shells and bullets were made. With so many men away fighting women had to join the workforce. Women munitions workers were known as ‘munitionettes’. The people of sheffield at home were exposed to the war through bombing raids and saw camels and elephants working in places of horses, they saw tanks in the city centre and had their food controlled by the local authority.
Sheffield battalions during World War One. Upwards of 50,000 men went from Sheffield to the various ‘Fronts’ during the Great War. A great adventure for thousands of them, as their lives revolved around work during the week and chapel on Sunday. Most never having left the city boundaries never mind 'journeying to' a foreign country. Thousands were to be killed, many more thousands were maimed and scarred for life, and some dying years later from the effects of their injuries or from gas poisoning. They had been through the first ‘mechanised’ war, a war where techniques of killing on a mass industrial scale were employed.
Barkers Pool War Memorial Over 5000 Sheffield people are believed to have lost their lives during the First World War. They are commemorated in war memorials around the city.