What is Matter?? Matter is anything and everything thing that takes up space in our universe!!! Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.
Mass is the amount of tiny particles an object has. Which item below has more mass?
Density Density compares the amount of matter to the amount of space an object takes up.
Matter There are 3 main states of matter! SOLID Liquid Gas
Solids A solid is a state of matter that has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space. The particles inside the solid are very close to one another and are held tightly in place. They move by vibrating back and forth quickly.
Liquids Liquids also take up a definite amount of space, but they take the shape of whatever container that they are in. The particles inside a liquid can move and slide past each other.
Gases Gases have no definite shape and take up no definite amount of space. The particles inside a gas can move around freely.
Changing States of matter Every type of matter has a temperature at which it can change its state.
Freezing Point The freezing point of an object is when a liquid changes into a solid. For example, water turning into ice. The freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Melting Point The melting point is when matter changes from a solid to a liquid. For example, a popsicle melting into a sugary puddle of syrup.
Boiling Point The boiling point is when matter changes from a liquid to a gas. For example: When you boil water, you will eventually see steam. The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius.
Physical Changes Any change in state is a physical change. Physical changes are any changes to how something looks such as a change in size, shape, or state of matter.
Chemical Changes During a chemical change, something new is created. Chemical changes occur when something produces one or more new substances and may release energy.
Physical and Chemical Changes Use the clues to become a physical and chemical change detective! Signs of a Physical Change Change in size Change in shape Change in state
Chemical Changes Signs of a Chemical Change Something new is formed Change in Color Change in Odor Release of energy Light Heat