How did the Nazi Party develop in the early 1920s?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the origins and development of the Nazi Party between 1919 and 1922. I can describe the key features of the early development of the Nazi Party. Grade 6 I can explain how the Nazi Party developed in the early 1920s. Grade 3 I can explain and assess the impact of the early influences of the Nazi party. Grade 1
Task Define the following terms that relate to the early development of the Nazi Party. Führerprinzip Völkisch November Criminals Völkischer Beobachter Führer Sturmabteilung
Task Find out when each event below took place and organise them in chronological order. The Nazi Party is formed Hitler is demobbed from the German Army Hitler draws up the Twenty-Five Point Plan Adolf Hitler sent to spy on the Nazis and joins up instead Adolf Hitler was born in Austria SA are formed Adolf Hitler arrives in Germany Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party Hitler rebrands the Nazi Party
Extension Cut out the source below and stick it into your exercise book. What can you infer from this source? Source A During the Communist attempt to take over Munich, I remained in the army ….. In my talks as an education officer, I attacked the bloodthirsty Red dictatorship … In 1919, I joined the German Workers’ Party, which then had seven members, and I believed that I had found a political movement in keeping with my own ideas. From a letter written by Hitler in 1921.