4-18/19-18 Fossil Evidence of Evolution 5th period left off here
Do Now: Read the “Becoming a Fossil” Background Essay Do Now: Read the “Becoming a Fossil” Background Essay. Answer the following questions in your notebook. Why do most living things not leave fossils behind? How are fossils found?
Quiz Review: Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection - Cambridge Naturalists observe plants and animals in their natural habitat. Variations occur due to random mutations The species may go extinct. Natural selection Both natural selection and artificial selection result in change in a species. Natural selection occurs when the environment changes. Artificial selection occurs due to selective breeding. Behavioral Structural Functional Camouflage Mimicry
Quiz Review: Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection - Comprehensive 1. T 2. F; selective breeding 3. F; Mimicry 4. C. by observing them in their habitats 5. A. structural adaptation 6. A. variation 7. A. natural selection 8. B. a seahorse with similar color to the coral it lives near 9. C. selective breeding 10. B. functional adaptation
Required Additional Practice for Quiz Retake Ch. 13, Lesson 2 Outline
Fossil Evidence of Evolution Ch. 13, Lesson 1 Lesson Objective: Students will be able to recognize that fossil evidence is consistent with the scientific theory of evolution that living things evolved from earlier species.
Essential Questions How do fossils form? How do scientists date fossils? How are fossils evidence of biological evolution?
Vocabulary fossil biological evolution fossil record Geologic time scale mold extinction cast trace fossil Mineralization carbonization
EQ: How do fossils form?
Fossils Fossils: the remains or evidence of once-living organisms. Los restos o evidencia de organismos vivos una vez
Fossils fossil record: record of all the fossils ever discovered on Earth. Registro fosil: registro de todos los fosiles descubiertoes en la Tierra. The fossil record provides evidence that species have changed over time. Based on fossil evidence, scientists can recreate the physical appearance of species that are no longer alive on Earth. Ex: the large extinct flightless bird Titanis walleri
Fossil Formation After an organism dies, any soft tissues other animals do not eat break down. Only the dead organism’s hard parts remain, such as bones, shells, and teeth. Under rare conditions, these parts become fossils. tissue Science Use similar cells that work together and perform a function Common Use a piece of soft, absorbent paper
Fossil Formation Becoming a Fossil video: https://florida.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/tdc02.sci.life.evo.becf ossil/becoming-a-fossil/?#.WtX76IjwbIU Period 5 left off here Period 7 left off here
Key Concept Builder: How do fossils form? Class will be separated into 5 groups. Using the online textbook and the Internet, each group will be assigned one type of fossil to further read into. Each group will need to answer these questions about their fossil: What conditions existed for this type of fossil to form? How did this type of fossil form? Does this fossil show physical structure, movement, or behavior – or all three?
Fossil Formation Mineralization: the preserved tissues of an organism An organism dies and is buried under mud, sand, or other sediments in a stream/river. Minerals in the water replace the organism’s original tissues and harden into rock, forming a fossil. Shows physical structure Example: Petrified wood
Fossil Formation Carbonization: the carbon outline, or film, of an organism A dead organism is compressed over time and pressure drives off the organism’s liquids and gases, leaving only the carbon outline, or film. Shows physical structure
Fossil Formation Molds and Casts Mold: the impression of an organism in a rock. Impresion de un organism en una roca Molds form when an organism’s shell or bone makes an impression in mud or sand. When the sediment hardens, so does the impression. Cast: a fossil copy of an organism in a rock. Una copia fósil de un organismo en una roca. Casts form when sediments fill in the mold and harden These both show physical structure
Fossil Formation Trace Fossil: the preserved evidence of the activity of an organism. Example: an organism’s footprints across mud that later hardened. These form when an organism walks across mud. The tracks fill in with sediment that hardens. Shows physical structure, movement, and behavior.
Fossil Formation Original-Material Fossil: the preserved tissues of an organism Occurs rarely Forms when the remains of an entire organism are found in ice, tar pits, or encased in amber. Shows physical structure and possibly movement and behavior.
EQ: How do scientists date fossils? (That is, how do they figure out the age of fossils)
Determining a Fossil’s Age Instead of dating fossils directly, scientists date the rocks the fossils are embedded inside. In relative-age dating, scientists determine the relative order in which rock layers were deposited. Relative-age dating helps scientists determine the relative order in which species have appeared on Earth over time.
Determining a Fossil’s Age Scientists take advantage of radioactive decay, a natural clocklike process in rocks, to learn a rock’s absolute age, or its age in years. To measure the age of sedimentary rock layers, scientists calculate the ages of igneous layers above and below them. If the age of the igneous layers is known, it is possible to estimate the age of the sedimentary layers—and the fossils they contain—between them.
Radiometric Dating video: https://florida. pbslearningmedia Radiometric Dating video: https://florida.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/tdc02.sci.phys.matter. radiodating/radiometric-dating/?#.WtX9oYjwbIU 3rd period left off here
Fossils over Time Geologic time scale: a chart that divides Earth’s history into different time units based on changes in the rocks and fossils. Escala de tiempo geologico: table que divide la historia de la Tierra en diferentes unidades de tiempo, basado en los cambios en las rocas y fosiles. Earth’s history is divided into four eons—the longest time units in the geologic time scale. Evidence of microscopic, unicellular organisms has been found in rocks 3.4 billion-years-old.
Key Concept Builder: Numbered Heads Together In groups of 4, each person will be assigned a number. Teach poses a problem and gives think time (PENCILS DOWN) Students privately write their answers (PENCILS UP) STAND UP, HEADS TOGETHER - Students lift up from their chairs to put their heads together, show answers, discuss, and teach Students sit down when everyone knows the answer or has something to share Teacher calls a number. The student with that number from each team stand up and answers simultaneously using the sign for “T” or “F” 1st period left off here
Use your notes and the class text to determine if the following statements are true or false. If it is false, change the underlined word(s) to make it true.
1. Scientists are able to directly date most fossils using a variety of techniques F; are not able
2. The most precise type of dating used for determining a fossil’s age is relative-age dating F; absolute-age dating
3. Calculating the age of igneous rock is part of the process used in absolute-age dating. True
4. Determining the approximate order in which rock layers were deposited is an important part of absolute-age dating F; relative-age dating
5. The ratio of unstable isotopes to stable isotopes is part of absolute-age dating True
6. Relative-age dating is especially useful in studying disturbed rock layers False; undisturbed
7. An understanding in relative-age dating is that one rock layer is either older or younger than a nearby rock layer True
8. An approximate age of a species is determined using absolute-age dating. False; a more precise
9. Geologic time scales divide Earth’s history into different units of time True
10. Fossil evidence shows that unicellular organisms lived on Earth 3 10. Fossil evidence shows that unicellular organisms lived on Earth 3.4 billion years ago True
11. In relative-age dating, the age of species found in sedimentary rock layers is determined by the age of igneous rock False; absolute-age dating
12. Understanding the process of radioactive decay is part of absolute-age dating True
EQ: How are fossils evidence of biological evolution?
Extinctions Extinction: event that occurs when the last individual organism of a species dies. Extincion: evento que ocurre cuando el ultimo organismo individual de una especie muere. A mass extinction occurs when many species become extinct within a few million years or less. Extinctions can occur when environments change. The fossil record contains evidence that five mass extinction events have occurred during the Phanerozoic eon.
Fossils and Evolution The fossil record contains evidence of the appearance of many new species over time. Biological evolution: the change over time in populations of related organisms. Evolucion biologica: cambio a traves tel tiempo en las poblaciones de organismos relacionados The fossil record is evidence that horses descended from organisms for which only fossils exist today.
How do we know evolution happens? https://florida.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/tdc02.sci.life.evo.how happens/evolving-ideas-how-do-we-know-evolution- happens/?#.WtX-6IjwbIU Class Discussion Questions What can we learn from fossil evidence? How do the transitional fossils of whales support the theory of evolution? What specific fossil evidence points to whales’ evolution from land to water?
Activity: Whale in the Making In teams of 4 Assign 2 people to be the timeline builders Assign 2 people to be the researchers.
Activity: Whale in the Making Timeline builders, cut out the six fossil boxes from the handout. Researchers, complete the Whale Evolution Data Table by gathering the data about each fossil from the Internet. Timeline builders, prepare an Eocene epoch timeline on paper, using the scale 1 inch = 1 million years. Your scale should go from 56 mya to 35 mya As a team, glue fossil boxes 1 and 2 from the handout at the proper locations on your timelines. Notice the gap between these two fossils. As a team, add the remaining fossils in order by date of discovery.
Discussion Questions What typical whalelike traits were apparently the earliest to appear? What apparently evolved much later? As each "missing link" was found, how many new gaps were formed? What is the relationship between gaps and fossils? To find fossil evidence to fill the largest remaining gap in whale evolution, what age sediments would you search? What distinguishing traits would you expect to find in whale fossils of that age? The absence of transitional fossils does not mean that evolution didn’t take place.