Development of a methodological framework (EEA contributions)


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Presentation transcript:

Development of a methodological framework (EEA contributions) Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Mapping and Assessments of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) 10 Jan. 2013 Markus Erhard, European Environment Agency (EEA)

Ecosystem service classification CICES v4  No decision London Group Meeting 02-03 October Submission of EEA position paper 15 Jan 2013 for approval by UNSD (April 2013) Integration of final version in conceptual framework

Ecosystem typology (Europe) Towards biophysical mapping of major ecosystems Revision of marine ecosystem typology (Eunis, MFSD, EUSeaMap)  6 classes Draft Report ‘Towards biophysical mapping of major ecosystems’ to be integrated into conceptual framework Pan-European ecosystem mapping methods available May first version of maps July

Ecosystem classification (Europe) Towards biophysical mapping of major ecosystems Major eco-system division (level 1) Ecosystem type for mapping and assessment (level 2) Representation of habitats (functional dimension by EUNIS) Marine* Lagoons, coastal wetlands and estuaries Lagoons (with any type of sea connection) Saltmarshes, salines and intertidal flats Estuaries (WFD ‘transitional waters’) Coastal seabed Littoral substrate Shallow sublittoral substrate exposed to light** Shelf seabed Shallow sublittoral substrate not exposed to light** Shelf sublittoral ‘seabed’ Open ocean seabed Deep sea substrate Water column exposed to light** Coastal, Shelf and Ocean waters exposed to light** Water column not exposed to light** Coastal, Shelf and Ocean waters not exposed to light**

EEA‘s next steps 1(2) Report ‘European wide data sets’ WFD, MFSD, Fishery, Agri, Forest, CC monitoring / reporting CBD reporting, green infrastructure, resource efficiency, environmental accounting … Fast track ecosystem accounting - final report Feb. 2013 Provide data (maps) and results from ecosystem accounts (land-cover, carbon, water)  end of Jan 2013 First results ecosystem accounts in September meeting

EEA‘s next steps 2(2) Analyse methodologies for mapping Art17 data (biodiversity) Provide first results of pan-European ecosystem assessment (end 2013) Cooperation with contractors and national pilots e.g. Ecosystem service contract (ALTERRA) Quantitative Assessment of Air Pollution Impacts on Ecosystems and Biodiversity Member State activities – Pilot studies etc. First results ecosystem accounts in September meeting