UDL CL Representation: show the information in different ways, multiple media, visual Long-term memory: knowing your way home through learned schema (requires no effort) Look prices up online before going to the shop (visual) Action and expression: allow students to demonstrate what they know in different ways (models, feedback and support), auditory Ask if there’s a separate to-go line or call and order ahead, (auditory) Short-term memory: not knowing your way to the cupcake shop, no schema (requires more effort for working memory- looking it up on GPS) Challenge yourself to try something new or add garnishes to enhance likability like sprinkles, icing and cherries Extraneous: how material is presented- use diagrams and worked out examples (using a map, visual) Intrinsic: complexity of material- splitting the task, informal previous knowledge (turn off the radio (auditory), recall that your friend said it’s near the education building) Germane: build new schemas Engagement: keep the student’s interest, offer choices and risk mistakes, offer challenges