Pharos Uniprint 8.3
What is new in Uniprint (continued on the next page) The announcement of Pharos Uniprint v8.3 and MobilePrint v1.2 for Uniprint will happen on June 28th Highlighted new features Support for the new Pharos MobilePrint solution, which enables users to print from any mobile device to any Pharos managed printer within the campus. Modified Print Engine. The new Print Server job management engine has introduced the following changes. The new Print Groups concept streamlines the configuration of large groups of printers particularly in multiple server environments. It removes the need for “Compatible Queues”. Improved performance and stability by reducing the dependency on the Windows spooler and its driver management. While Windows queues are still used as a mechanism to receive print jobs from users, output devices no longer require a Windows printer object. Jobs waiting to be released by the user are no longer held in the Windows printer object. They are transferred from the Windows spooler to the Uniprint Secure Release Service. Maximum Job holding time has been increased from 2 days to 7 days. (continued on the next page)
What is new in Uniprint Revised Administrative permissions. While a Uniprint Print Server component still exists and is still installed on each print server, the “Print Server” concept plays a less central role in the configuration of the Uniprint system (e.g. the server is only important to Queues and Terminals, but not to Print Groups or Devices). Given this, Administrative Permissions now introduces the concept of a Management Zone. Each object in Uniprint belongs to a zone; you simply create administrative roles that have different levels of permissions to view, modify, create, or delete objects in the different zones. The Zone functionality allows you to easily delegate administrative duties to different departments (e.g. to manage their own devices) even when they are sharing the same server resource. Strong Passwords for User Accounts. You can now enforce strong passwords for User Accounts. The following highlights the key new administration features: A new Insert Assistant wizard, which streamlines the process of adding a new device. This guides you through all the steps in creating an operational device in one simple workflow. Added a mechanism to check the status of a device before sending jobs to it. Added the capability to print a test page from a device within Pharos Administrator. Allows saving the spool files of specific print jobs from Pharos Administrator. Automatic retrieval of the Make and Model properties of devices using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). A new action has also been added to retrieve these properties manually. Objects in the Overview context are now grouped according to type. A new panel has been added to the Job Management context, which retrieves jobs based on the username of the one who sent the job and/or the Print Group that it was sent to. Also, Introducing the Pharos Credit Card Gateway which allows a campus to let users add funds directly to their Uniprint account using a credit card.
Pharos Technology is the Healthy Solution Pharos Uniprint & Off-The-Glass Pay for Print, Copy, and Scan Departmental Chargeback Secure Release Here Informed Print Limiting Mobile Print Job Accounting & Audit Access & Authentication Omegas Integrated MFPs (iMFPs) So, how do we help solve your biggest problems? That answer to that, is Uniprint. Uniprint is the Pharos solution for education that makes printing more cost effective, eco-friendly, secure, and convenient not only for students, but also for faculty and staff. It is the market leader as a flexible, scalable, and device-independent system for tracking, monitoring, controlling, and charging for network printing. With Pharos Uniprint software you can: Recover your printing costs with student pay-for-print and use the recovered funds to defray current expenses or pay for needed improvements and upgrades. Enable Departmental Chargeback to control and manage a shared print/copy budget with pre-established allocations and users to prevent overspending. Improve printing security with Secure Release Here — and at the same time make printing significantly more flexible and convenient. This also helps your institution's sustainability objectives by dramatically cutting printing waste. Reductions in the 50-80% range are not uncommon. Save money by deploying processes and technologies that encourage responsible printing, including Informed Print and Limiting features. Offer mobile print capability, so students and staff can print from any mobile device to any secure printer. There are over 50 reports available, as Uniprint tracks usage by individual user and group. It also tracks print volumes for each printer on the network, thus enabling institutions to make fact-based decisions about adding, removing, and relocating equipment. Integrate easily with campus card systems, including Blackboard, CBORD Odyssey, CBORD CS Gold, and Heartland Payment Systems Campus Solutions OneCard. And permit guest users to use guest cards to access secured print/copy devices without assigning login credentials. We can explore each of these features, to help you gain a deeper understanding of how they can help meet your interests and needs. On the right hand side of the slide, I show a number of user interface solutions for Uniprint, for releasing print jobs when Secure Release Here has been implemented. With the Pharos integrated multifunction printer (iMFP) solution, the user interface to Uniprint is seamlessly built into the MFP. There are more than 250 device models available from Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Toshiba, Samsung, Lexmark, Ricoh, Sharp, and Xerox; all of whom are valued partners of ours. The Pharos Omega PS200 and PS60 are external devices, for single-function printers or where integration is not possible with the MFP. The Pharos Omega 200 hosts the Uniprint interface as a touch screen, while the Omega PS60 allows users to release their print jobs with a touch of their campus card. The Pharos Station, is perfect for computer labs. It is configurable as an Account Station for users to perform functions such as transferring funds into their accounts. Pharos Station
Direct Printing and Secure Release Here™ Authentication is required to release print jobs. User learns their account balance, the job cost, and releases only what they need. User submits job directly to a device , or to a held queue. User/device activity data is sent for reporting Print is released to the authorized user Informed Print No abandoned jobs or banner pages. Unreleased jobs automatically deleted. There are two ways users can print with Pharos Uniprint— Direct Printing or Secure Release Here or both. With direct printing, a user submits their job and it is automatically printed by the device. Where direct printing is allowed, you have the option to share job cost information with users through informational pop-up windows. Informed print, is a pop-up window that provides cost information and can either require no action from the user, or require them to click on a button to accept the cost and proceed with their printing. Such information can empower all members of the campus community to print more responsibly, even those who are not being directly charged for printing. Another option is our Limiting pop-up feature. This provides a message on the user’s computer when they are restricted from printing what they are trying to print. For example, color printing can be limited to specific groups of users or file types. You may choose to restrict users from printing web pages and e-mail in color. Please keep in mind that when users have the option to print directly, many jobs may never be picked up, are immediately thrown out, changed by the user and reprinted shortly after original job was sent, or may not be there when the user arrives to pick them up because they were mixed with other print jobs and taken by someone else. [CLICK to trigger next transition] With Secure Release Here, also known as pull-printing, the user printers to a secure queue or held queue. The job remains here until the user goes to the device to release their job. As I mentioned on the previous slide, there are several options to choose from for releasing jobs: iMFPs (Pharos embedded software on certain multifunction devices), a PC Release Station, or the external Omegas. No matter when the release device, the user must authenticate themselves by presenting their ID cards or by typing in their username using the virtual keyboard. You can optionally require users to enter a password as well. When it comes to ID cards, the Uniprint system can be configured to handle a wide variety of manufacturers and technologies for identification and authentication: magnetic stripe, proximity, bar code, and smart cards. Once the user authenticates themselves, they can view their account balance, the cost of the job or jobs they submitted, and then select only what they really need and want to print. By requiring users to authenticate themselves, there are many benefits: Documents are not printed until their owner is physically present at the device. No more confidential documents are lying on top of the printer for everyone to read. No more searching for your document in mountains of printouts. Users only release the jobs they really need to print. No more trying to remember which printer you submitted a job to. You can walk up to ANY printer and release your jobs. You can print from anywhere to anywhere with Secure Release Here. Additionally, with Secure Release Here, there are no more overflowing blue bins full of unneeded jobs that were immediately thrown out or never claimed. Banner pages are not needed, and any jobs that are submitted but not released; are automatically deleted from the server after a specified interval of time. For each print job, Uniprint tracks job owner, document name, plus various job attributes (paper size, simplex/duplex, color/black and white, application used to print, number of copies printed and number of pages in the original). As a result, there is a complete audit trail for every print job. Uniprint tracks usage by individual user and group. It also tracks print volumes for each printer on the network, thus enabling institutions to make fact-based decisions about adding, removing, and relocating equipment. With all of this data, there are over 50 standard reports available from Uniprint, which can also integrate with Crystal reports for custom reporting as well. It is important to mention, that in addition to tracking what’s printed, Uniprint also tracks what’s NOT printed. Unprinted jobs fall into 3 categories: Jobs deleted by user (on the Print Release screen). Jobs deleted by Uniprint based on job age (e.g., jobs that have been sitting in the queue for 4 hrs are auto-purged) Jobs deleted by Uniprint due to insufficient funds. Uniprint tracks these unprinted jobs, and reports on their page volume and associated cost. The result is a measure of your waste savings, i.e., the waste your school did not generate thanks to Uniprint. Limiting
Print Release with Departmental Charging Authentication is required before releasing print jobs. User selects a budget center, grant or department code. User learns their account balance, the job cost, and releases only what they need. Print is released to the authorized user Uniprint also allows the benefit of Departmental Chargeback, which enables print and copy costs to be allocated to a grant, contract, or department. This can help reduce costs by facilitating equipment sharing. For instance, several academic departments could use the same printer, confident that they will be fairly charged based on their usage. Uniprint also allows you to manage a shared print/copy budget with pre-established allocations and users to prevent overspending. This Chargeback feature is implemented through Secure Release Here, just like what we saw on the previous slide. [CLICK to trigger next transition] The difference is what happens after the user walked up to any secure printer and authenticates themselves. The user is asked to select a budget center, grant, or department code; [CLICK to trigger next transition] before looking at their account balance, the job cost, and releasing what they need.
Mobile Print: Benefits and How it works No driver downloads needed. Ease of billing when desired. High level of document fidelity. Same superior document security. High availability and scalability for institutions of any size. User receives “ready for printing” e-mail message. After which, their job is sent to the held print queue. First time mobile print users must register themselves for validation. Job is sent to held print queue. Job remains in held print queue until authentication at device. Students and faculty submit a job via e-mail from any device on or off campus. With the release of Uniprint 8.3; there are several benefits for institutions to upgrade, and one of the most anticipated and exciting features is Mobile Print! Mobile printing using Pharos technology is basically how all printing will be in the not-too-distant future: simple, secure and infinitely flexible. For institutions that enjoy the benefits of Pharos print infrastructure, mobile printing works seamlessly from any email-enabled device to any printer––regardless of the manufacturer of either. No driver downloads are needed, adding convenience to the end user and making the lives of IT simplier. Ease of billing when desired. There is a high level of document fidelity, since supported are the applications which handle more than 95 percent of the world’s printed documents. You receive the same superior document security since it works with our Secure Release Here technology. And a server farm means high availability and scalability for institutions of any size. [Note to presenter: A mobile print demo video will also be available, if it serves you best at the time of your presentation.] How does it work? Students and faculty submit their job by attaching it to an e-mail; which they send to a specified e-mail address linked to the Mobile Print queue. If it is the user's first time using Mobile Print, they will be asked to register themselves with the system. After registration, and for every job e-mailed thereafter, their job will go directly to the mobile print queue; where it will remain until they walk up to any secured printer and authenticate themselves. The great thing about this system as well, is that as soon as a user sends an attachment, they will receive an e-mail back stating their job has been processed and is ready to print; or if they attached an unsupported file.
What else should I know about Uniprint 8.3? User experience with compatible devices is improved Server reboot is almost instantaneous Administrators learn device status with State Checks. Jobs can be held up to 7 days before deletion. Admins can be assigned their own unique area/building What are other benefits of upgrading to Uniprint 8.3? Device State Checks allow administrators to learn the status of a device, to understand if it is online, or offline due to a printing issue. This ensures jobs are only sent to online devices, and users are not wrongfully charged— a common problem when printing to an offline device not functioning properly. [Note to presenter: If the device is online, jobs are printed. However, if the device is offline - the behavior depends on the type of Print Group the device is associated with. For Secure Printing – if the device is offline, they remain held in the Queued Jobs context and they could be released to another device by an administrator. For Direct Printing – if the device is offline, jobs are deleted. This behavior can be modified so that error conditions (e.g. No Paper) can be considered online and Uniprint will attempt to print the job instead of deleting it. This can be done by defining overrides in the Pharos Database. Another benefit of upgrading to 8.3, is that servers can handle more throughput (making the technology more manageable) and the integration of a Blueprint Enterprise Secure Release Service that allows a server reboot to be almost instantaneous. For a spooler that has 10,000+ jobs, or maybe even 50,000 at a time, if an error occurs that requires a reboot, a server can be up and running in just a minute or 2. No more delays. Blueprint Enterprise was designed to scale to hundreds of thousands of users on very large distributed sites, so we’ve brought that robustness now to Uniprint. This added benefit is also due to the fact that Uniprint is no longer dependent on the Windows spooler, and jobs are no longer held in the queues but within a Pharos storage space. [Note to presenter: The Pharos storage space provides better security - Users will not be able to see the jobs or the job titles of other users from the Windows queues anymore. Moreover, the spooler does not have to hold potentially large number of jobs, or re-work its way through them if the spooler restarts for some reason, which previously could take 30 minutes to an hour when it had a large job load.] We have also gotten rid of Compatible Queues, and now have Print Groups. The Print Groups concept streamlines the configuration of a large group of printers particularly in multiple server environments. An administrator sets up all settings once for a group of printers and queues with compatible print drivers, instead of for every individual queue. This not only makes the life of the IT professional easier, but end users can be more confident that the job they submit will be at the device they go to release it from. [Note to presenter: With previous versions, if an end user submits a job with an HP driver to a server with a queue, and tried to release it at a Lexmark printer, their job was lost.] Another benefit of 8.3, is the ability to create Management Zones. This allows a Super Admin to assign other resources and administrators to other areas. They can then control their own area/building, and not interfere with settings created by other admins. Additionally, unreleased jobs can be held up to 7 days before they are automatically purged by the system. [Note to presenter: Previously, the limit was 2 days.] And as stated earlier, one of our most exciting additions with 8.3 is Mobile Print. Users can now print from any device (mobile or otherwise) on or off campus to any secure printer. No drivers or application downloads are needed, users receive an e-mail notification that lets them know if their job was submitted successfully, integrity of documents is maintained (what you submit is what is printed), and schools can enjoy the same reliable security and control. Mobile jobs are tracked, while blue recycle bins continue to remain empty of abandoned waste since it integrates with Secure Release Here. It is also important to note that the benefits of Mobile Print aren’t just for iPads, iPhones, and other gadgets… it applies to PCs as well, because anyone can email documents to the Mobile queue to print. No driver required, just email. Mobile users can print!
Credit Card Gateway Powered by PayPal Securely handles credit card information. Always Available Extension to your web site; available anytime, anywhere. Unattended access Self service utility, where users can add funds available instantaneously. No additional hardware Nothing to install or maintain. Campus branding The Pharos Credit Card Gateway for Uniprint allows a campus to let users add funds directly to their Uniprint account using a credit card. It leverages PayPal Payments Standard as the credit card processor and clearinghouse. With this, the student’s credit card information is collected and validated by PayPal; after which funds are deposited in the campus PayPal account. The user is then credited in their Uniprint account and can immediately begin accessing the funds for printing or copying. And because it’s unattended and online, there is no hardware to install or maintain, and students can add funds to their Uniprint account at anytime from anywhere. I just mentioned it is online, and it is actually an extension to the campus web site. Style sheets can be customized to add the campus look and feel to the web pages the students access. Upon accessing the credit card web page the user must login to their Uniprint account. Once they have been authenticated by Uniprint, they can choose to add funds to their account or, with Uniprint 8.3, view their recent credit card transactions.
Pharos Contact Information Documents for you… Unipint 8.3 - New Features Unipint 8.3 - Brochure Unipint 8.3 - Presentation Unipint 8.3 - Training Overview Please Contact Pharos Businesss Development with any questions A link to the Uniprint software will go out on June 28th