Working with data (1) [ S1.2 Extension Starter] Andy is running a big barbeque. He’s expecting about 130 people. He wants to have baked potatoes as an option. Use the information in the table, showing the numbers of potatoes found in 16 different bags of potatoes, to estimate how many bags of potatoes he’ll need. Remember he doesn't want to waste too much. Jot down any assumptions you might make. Preamble A fairly “standard” activity to encourage pupils to take decisions albeit in a limited situation. A short time limit may encourage clear thinking. The activity is suited to small groups or pairs. Possible content Using mean or median to make decisions. Resources None. Solution/Notes Mean of number of potatoes in a bag = 22.25; median = 22. This would indicate that six bags would be needed, but pupil discussion may argue that six bags would not be a sufficiently ‘safe’ choice. Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010