Trench Warfare
Life in the Trenches
Trench Foot
Trench Foot
Trench Foot
No-Man’s Land
No-Man’s Land
No-Man’s Land
New Technology Airplanes
New Weapons: Airplanes
New Weapons: Zeppelins
New Technology Tanks
New Weapons: Tanks
New Weapons: Machine Guns
New Weapons: Machine Guns
New Weapons: Machine Guns
New Weapons: Flame Throwers (“Flammenwerfer‘”)
New Weapons: Flame Throwers
New Technology U – Boats and ships “Unterseeboot”
New Weapons: U-Boats
New Weapons: Mustard Gas
British infantry from the 47th (1/2nd London) Division advancing into a gas cloud during the Battle of Loos
British soldiers installing gas projectors
Soldier with mustard gas burns (1917)
British 55th (West Lancashire) Division troops blinded by tear gas await treatment at an Advanced Dressing Station near Bethune during the Battle of Estaires, 10 April 1918, part of the German offensive in Flanders.
Soldiers with a mustard gas burn, 1918
Gas Masks
British Vickers machine gun crew wearing PH-type anti-gas helmets British Vickers machine gun crew wearing PH-type anti-gas helmets. Near Ovillers during the Battle of the Somme, July 1916. The gunner is wearing a padded waistcoat, enabling him to carry the machine gun barrel
Alfred Graf von Schlieffen (1833-1913) "To win, we must endeavor to be the stronger of the two at the point of impact. Our only hope of this lies in making our own choice of operations, not in waiting passively for whatever the enemy chooses for us." —Schlieffen
Schlieffen Plan