Being True Christians
July 4, 1776 April 14, 1867 Who is a True Christian?
Identifying Counterfeit preachers There are masquerade preachers offering “many gospels (Ga. 1:6-9) True Christians must preach exactly what the Apostles preached (II Tim. 2:2) True Christians must reject men who divide the believers with ‘other’ Gospels (Rom. 16:17)
Identifying Counterfeit Christians There are two types of masquerade Christians Those wandering from the only Gospel By a failure to study and understand the Lord’s demands (Heb. 5:12ff) By following false teachers (Gal. 1:6-9, II Tim. 4:3) By becoming spiritually self-satisfied and self- confident (Rev. 2:14-22) Those always following a ‘changed Gospel’ (Gal. 1:6-9)
Identifying True Christians The Bible clearly states faithful Christians are found only in Christ’s church The Lord adds only to the church [e.g. His Church] – (Ac. 2:47) The Lord’s church is the only Pillar and Ground of the Truth (I Tim. 3:15)
Living as True Christians The singular Gospel teaches all Christians must grow spiritually in the same way (Col. 3:1-17) Focused on the Lord in Heaven (v.1-4) Putting our sinfulness to death (v.5-11) Growing in spirituality according to His revealed plan (v.12-13) Living our spiritual growth to His glory (v.14- 17)
Are you a true Christian? being True Christians True Christians are not divided, but rather conformed to His singular truth Only true Christians can do all in the name of Christ Only a true Christian is acceptable to God and eligible to enter “into the joys of thy Lord” Are you a true Christian?