“ “ “ “ WHAT IS FaBCAP? WHAT DOES THE PROGRAM INCLUDE? FaB Wisconsin's efforts haven't really been replicated anywhere in the country, and its accelerator will help startups establish crucial industry connections. Creating a supportive environment for those companies through an accelerator is a great way to get them to the next level." - Grant Ferrier, President FaB Wisconsin’s Finance and Business Accelerator WHAT IS FaBCAP? “ FaBcap is our finance and business accelerator designed to build the capacity of our food and beverage companies, as well as our investors and financial professionals, to successfully grow sustainable food or beverage businesses. Each year, we select ten growing companies to participate in the one-year FaBcap program and anticipate these companies will be on the front edge of market demands. The selected businesses must be Wisconsin-based, with 5-50 full-time equivalent employees, and generating revenue in food, beverage, ingredients, equipment or packaging manufacturing products or technologies. The accelerators offered by The Water Council, FaB Wisconsin and the Midwest Energy Research Consortium are best in class, providing target industry support where each sector most needs it." - Lee Swindall, Vice President WHAT DOES THE PROGRAM INCLUDE? “ 1.5-Day Program Kick-Off Conference and Evening Reception, followed by three company "What's Working" tours One year of one-on-one personal and Certified Financial and Business Coaching from Brad Rostowfske, FaB Wisconsin's Director of Industry Growth (approximately 50 hours) One year of one-on-one “issue” coaching from industry experts, addressing any Capper issues as needed Four quarterly facilitated FaBcapper cohort meetings at area food and beverage companies FaBcapstone Closing Ceremony and Capper Pitches A prepared company packaging by the Food Finance Institute for use in future financial requests $10,000 cash seeding award for each Capper It turns out that food businesses, local and otherwise, make money (and don't) in predictable ways. The more entrepreneurs, investors, and financial professionals have a common understanding of what works, the more successes we'll have." - Tera Johnson, Founding Director “ WHO ARE THE CLASS 1 CAPPERS? Just having someone [like FaB's Brad Rostowfske] who has built process engineering plants in the past, they're so connected with groups that can help out. We've been able to analyze our brewing process and make tweaks to be confident in all our projections.“ - Henry Schwartz, Owner Quigistics
Become a FaBcap sponsor Become a FaBcap Sponsor and share expertise, promote your business, get visibility and stay innovative! LEARN MORE For more information about a FaBcap Sponsorship, contact Brad Rostowfske, FaB’s Director of Industry Growth, at brostowfske@fabwisconsin.com PRESENTING SPONSORS PROGRAM SPONSORS COLLABORATOR BENEFITS PRESENTING SPONSOR (NON-COMPETE) PROGRAM SPONSOR EVENT SPONSOR ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION $25,000 (minimum) $8,000 (minimum) $2,500 Free annual FaB membership and member benefits (up to a $3,000 value) x One seat on FaB’s Leadership Council One seat on FaB’s Industry Growth Committee Eight free seats at FaBcap Kick-Off Conference and Closing Ceremony Four free seats at FaBcap Kick-Off Conference and Closing Ceremony Two free seats at FaBcap Kick-Off Conference and Closing Ceremony Recognition in opening remarks at FaBcap events Opportunity to participate in Kick-Off expert panels (if applicable) One representative to attend What’s Working Tours Two seats at FaBcap cohort meetings and one seat for your CEO at our CEO Briefings Facilitated professional introductions to FaBcappers and mentors Logo on all FaBcap-related communications and promotional materials Featured first placement in all FaBcap-related communications and promotional materials Eight free seats at FaB’s Annual Meeting