Region 3 Report
New Members Steve C. Bower PE, Michigan David Ahvler PE, Missouri
Accomplishments Stay actively engaged with SCOR and RAC Leadership Never absence from RAC leadership monthly teleconference Two members in SCOR Updates of Task Force memberships, new members and changes/rotation in memberships Every 6 months
Accomplishments Commit to participate on all Region 3 meetings/conference calls or send a substitute Monthly teleconference is still active September 11, Iowa is the host Hosting RAC 2014 Annual Meeting Wisconsin is the host
Accomplishments Update SCOR/RAC website for Region 3 (rosters, minutes, survey, peer exchanges) Webpages are up-to-date Monthly updates Continue mentoring of new members Amy Schutzbach is the mentor for Region 3 Keep sharing information within the region Actively sharing information after the teleconferences (action items) Submit higher quality “High Value Research” projects
Goals & Activities Prepare for RAC 2014 Annual Meeting in Wisconsin Form subcommittees for planning and programming By 2013 RAC Annual meeting Keep sharing information within the region Actively sharing information after the teleconferences (action items) Submit higher quality “High Value Research” projects