UIDAI article processing
What is Aadhaar?
Unique ID initiative
Benefits for residents
Where can Aadhaar be used?
Activities (d), (e) and (f) to be carried out by DOP UIDAI process Activities (d), (e) and (f) to be carried out by DOP
Printing Aadhaar cards UIDAI has established Print-to-Post facility at the following centres Gurgaon Delhi Mumbai Bollaram Manipal DOP established booking centres at these premises
Printing – cont’d UIDAI provides digital data to P to P P to P performs the following tasks Sort the data Pincode wise(BO/Departmental Delivery PO wise) Print and laminate UID letters Print envelopes Insertion of UID letters in envelopes and sealing
Booking UID letters UID letters are booked with special barcode series ‘U’ Bags are sorted Departmental PO and BO wise and bags closed in Speednet by P to P vendor One copy of manifest is placed in bag for departmental PO and two copies in case of BOs If the number of articles for a PO exceeds 100, a bag is closed, otherwise plastic/paper covers are closed; All these are treated as bags TBs can be closed to Account offices if more than one bag for BOs
Delivery of UID letters Bags received are scanned in Speednet as other bags and local bags opened in the usual course Bags for BOs are despatched to BOs without opening Delivery of UID letters UID letters are address specific (can be delivered to addressee or any other person at the address) Postman should take signature and get the name of person taking delivery noted in block letters in delivery slip Time of delivery also to be noted in delivery slip Non computerised offices to furnish delivery information to nearby identified computerised PO for uploading data in Speednet The computerised PO will use the option ‘Delivery – Other office Articles – Delivery data’ to upload such data The account office will also use the same option to upload data of articles sent to BOs in direct bags
Attempted delivery If the address is locked, intimation will be delivered on the first attempt A second attempt for delivery to be made on the next working day If article is not delivered in the second attempt, article would be retained at PO for seven days following the date of first attempt If the article becomes undeliverable, it should be returned to the ‘return address’ mentioned If the addressee had intimated a new address, the UID letter can be redirected to new address; If no intimation exists, article should be returned
Treatment of undeliverable articles
Treatment of undeliverable articles Postmaster of delivery PO is responsible for proper uploading of data of UID articles Remarks for non delivery are to be one among the standard reasons; No other remarks should be allowed; Remarks are furnished through stamping impression or neatly, if handwritten For returned articles, appropriate remark should be correctly selected in SpeedNet module while taking returns UID letters returned undelivered to sender are accounted for on their returned journey also
Delivery of UID articles by BOs In case of bags directly received BOs will use one copy of the manifest as delivery slip A maximum of 7 days following the date of receipt is allowed for disposal of the article
Monitoring and MIS Monitoring the handling process is essential to ensure the following Bags are properly routed to delivery office No hold up at any transit point Disposal is promptly and correctly uploaded in speednet Timelines are adhered to MIS is provided in India Post site under the link ‘Employee Corner’