Anthony E. Butterfield CH EN 4903-1 Lab Book Anthony E. Butterfield CH EN 4903-1
Lab Book Why keep a lab book? What to use. Lab book rules/guidelines. Lab books in Ch En 4903.
Why Keep a Lab Book Because your boss tells you to. You will eventually forget what you did, how you did it, and/or why you did it. To pause and organize your thoughts and ideas. Time lost writing will be saved in the careful preparation. Communicate your research to colleagues. Leave a lasting and useful record. To stake a legal claim to intellectual property, for yourself or employer.
What to Use Bound pages. Factory-numbered pages. A place for the needed signatures and dates. 8.5” X 11” paper is a plus when pasting in printouts.
Lab Book Rules/Guidelines Put your name, contact information, starting date, and lab book title on the cover. Leave no pages blank. Blank partial pages should be filled with an X Pages one and two are best dedicated to a table of contents. Only use permanent ink.
4903 Lab Book Lab books will be part of the score of your formal and memo reports. Not every student needs to take detailed record of each experiment. You may designate one member of your group to keep adequate record. The lab book score will be the same for all group members and based on the three lab books as a whole. I will act as the witness for each student’s lab book.
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