District 7475 : Grants Seminar September 8, 2018 DISTRICT GRANTS This presentation will provide an overview of global grants and present ten ways that you can improve your global grant application.
District Grants 2018-19: Current Status Clubs qualified to apply : 74 Number of clubs which applied : 73 Available Funds : $58,297 Grant Amount applied for : $64,411 All applications approved by RI on September 7, 2018. Confirmation will be sent to each club thru the Grants Module.
District Grants: Disbursement 2018-19 Clubs can get reimbursement check for the approved amount upon submission final report with receipts/photos (after completion of the project) - Deadline for all reports : April 15, 2019 District 7475 requirements for clubs to qualify to receive grant amount: - Clubs must be current with District dues - 3 goals in Club Central: Annual Giving, Membership and Polio Plus. - Activated data integration between the club and District database software
District Grants: Policy Guidelines by RI Support the Mission of the Rotary Foundation - not just limited to Area of Focus No minimum budget requirement Short term impact : OK Support scholars - any level of study : locally or internationally Active Rotarian involvement required Districts free to set their own policy : Our District requires – Grant training ; 3 goals in Rotary Club Central ( membership; Annual giving; Polio); current with District dues.
District Grants: Grant Amount 2019-20 Every club who applies and if their project accepted by the District/ RI - $500 with no match required from the club To receive over $500 : Clubs must match 1:1 - Subject to maximum of additional $500 Maximum grant from the District : $1000 - The actual amount may vary based on availability of funds vs grants applied for One grant per club
District Grants 2019-20: Few Examples A B C 1.Project Cost 500 1000 1500 2. Club Amount 0 250 500 3. District Grant 500 750 1000
District Grants: Process for 2019-20 No MOU requirement but simplified Agreement. Changes in Grants Module : One step process and warning if some essential information is not filled in. Plan to hold a webinar in June 2019 to show how to fill in applications on line Deadline for applications : July 31, 2019 File final report latest by April 15, 2020