American Simmental Association’s Economic Selection Indexes Wade Shafer American Simmental Association Bozeman, MT
Which Sire Should I Use? Lot 1: Pretty Boy Comments: this is a wonderful bull Performance Data: BW:95 ABW:98 BWR:103 WW:670 AWW:690 WWR:112 YW:1240 AYW:1300 YWR:110 SC:32 ASC:36 HH:54 FS: 6.5 BF: .2 ABF: .15 BFR: 103 REA: 15 AREA:14.5 REAR: 104 IMF: 2.7 AIMF: 2.5 IMFR: 94 PA: 140 APA: 150 PAR: 92 EPDs: REA:.3 BKF:.01 MBL:.2 YG:.2 MW:25 MHH:.5 WBSF:-.01 STAY:18 CE:2 BW:4 WW:35 YW:68 MCE:4 MLK:10 TM:27 CW:20 REA:3
Using EPDs Without Selection Indexes . . .
Economic Selection Indexes All-Purpose Index (API)a Bred to all-aged females Retain replacements Terminal Index (TI)a Bred to mature cows No replacements retained aGeneral Assumptions Sires mated to Angus cows Integrated system selling on end product Prices/costs based on CattleFax 5-yr average
Top TI Sires Tend to Excel in: Growth MRB CE DC BW WW YW MC ML ST CW YG MB 6 4 54 119 -2 19 30 .15 .37
Top API Sires Tend to Excel in: STAY DCE, MCE MW MRB DC WW YW MW MC ML ST CW YG MB 12 23 25 -55 6 4 28 -44 -.33 .11
$ Difference Over Life of Sire $56 TI $76 Exposed to 30 cow/yr for 5 years $3,000
$ Difference Over Life of Sire $88 $124 API Exposed to 30 cow/yr for 5 years $5,400
Predictions All seedstock for beef production will eventually be bred through the use of indexes Commercial cattle producers will drive index use Why? It works It’s SIMPLE!