Symbolism Presentation Part: 1 THE FIRST SYMBOLS OF HOT AND COLD OCCUR IN THE CHAPETRS "WELCOME TO MERRYWEATHER HIGH" AND "DEVILS DESTROY". While waiting for the presentation to begin on the first day of school, Melinda says, "If there's anyone... I am dying to tell what really happened, it's Rachel. My throat burns" (5). Melinda is being confronted about ending the party in august by upperclassmen. She says, "A block of ice freezes our section of the bleachers" (28). EXPLAINATION: FIRST IMPRESSION: HOT: Open, expressive, connects to end of book COLD: Quiet, still, progresses and regresses with winter
SYMBOLISM PRESENTATION PART 2 The hot and cold symbol appear when Melinda either wants to speak (hot) or stay silent (cold) Cold: (89) Hot: (66) Cold:() Hot:()
Symbolism PRESENTATION PART: 3 How the symbols hot and cold resolves at the climax and/ or denouement: Denouement: The final image of hot and cold is set when Melinda turns in her final art project to Mr. Freeman and suddenly starts to cry: "The tears dissolve the last block of ice in my throat. I feel the frozen stillness melt down through the inside of me, dripping shards of ice that vanish in a puddle of sunlight on the stained floor. Words float up" (198). The use of freezing and melting symbolize the change in Melinda and her new ability to speak. Once the ice cube melts, Melinda's throat is free of blockage, since ice cubes literally melt into a smaller form. The sunlight gives a new hope for her, allowing the words to easily come out. This leads to her finally having the courage to tell Mr. Freeman about her rape.
SYMBOLISM PRESENTATION PART: 4 Series of examples from which a theme can be deduced: In the novel, the symbol of hot often appears with someone starting to express themselves. "Mr. Freeman: 'You are on fire, Melinda..." (61). "Too much sun...makes you feel strong, even if you aren't. I must talk to Rachel"(180). In the novel, the symbol of cold often appears with someone not expressing themselves. "She [Heather's mother] asks if I want to be a model. Heather says I am too shy...Of course I want to be a model...The photo shoot is in a building cold enough to store ice"(82-83). "He [Mr. Freeman] has stopped working on his canvas...The art room is cold"(91). Laurie Halse Anderson's use of the symbol of cold and hot is to suggest that fear of backlash from expressing oneself makes it easier to stay silent, but generally causes hurting oneself and prohibiting growth. Also, to grow into a better person, people should face that fear and express themselves.