Welcome to Mrs.. Schlesselman’s Science Class! My goals for the year are to: Get to know all of your students To prepare everyone for H.S. To help all have a successful year.
I take safety very seriously. Safety is covered before all labs I require a signed safety contract before doing the first lab, due this Friday. A safety Quiz will be given
Seeking Help If your student is having trouble please encourage your student to get help before they sink!
8th Grade Science Curriculum
Science Fair Science Fair optional in regular science classes. Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) project is mandatory for all students again this year.
On-Line Textbook Logins and passwords have been given out http://my.hrw.com First textbook is not on-line
Please call or e-mail anytime! Schlesselman Phone: 815-469-4330 E-mail: sschlesselman@summithill.org