6-8 Learning Community Smarter Balance Test Strategies Understanding the challenge Test taking strategies that work Doing our best Being confident
Tools and Strategies to Prepare for the SBFT Training Tests Practice Tests http://sbac.portal.airast.org/ca/practice-test-ca/
Commonly asked questions regarding standardized tests.
Why do we spend so much time reviewing the instructions? If you do not understand how to take the test, YOU could make a major mistake that could negatively affect your score. If you have any questions about how to take the test ASK THE TEACHER. It’s our job to answer the questions you have.
Getting Stuck What should I do if I get stuck on a question? Should I work at it for a while, or should I skip it?
Getting Stuck With the Smarter Balance test – you will not be able to move to the next question if you do not answer a question. Try to eliminate wrong answers GUESS!!!!! If you run out of time, make sure you answer every question.
Guessing If I don’t know the answer should I guess, or is it better to leave the answer blank?
Guessing YES!!! Guess, but only if you don’t know the answer. Guessing is the last thing you do, not the first! Try to eliminate any obviously wrong answers first. You are not marked down for wrong answers, so a guess is better than a blank space.
Guessing “All of the Above” is usually right. “None of the Above” is usually wrong. If the choice uses words like “never” and “always” it is usually wrong. Once you guess, stick with your answer. Only change if you are absolutely sure you are wrong. If you get 5 “All or None of the above” in a row….you may want to go back and double check.
Why do we have to take these tests? The state of California wants to know how much you know compared to other students in the same grade. Your teachers need to know what you know and what you still need to learn. That way, they will be able to teach you better.
How well are we expected to do on the test? You should always try to do your best. Your scores on these tests will influence the classes you are assigned next year.
Remember, this year, the test is being used to “test the questions” not you. Do not feel bad if you cannot answer all the questions. This is a practice test – BUT STILL TRY TO DO YOUR BEST!
What if there is a question we haven’t covered in class? That is expected. The standardized tests are designed to test every state standard. Since the test is administered before the end of the year, some of the information may not have been covered yet in your classes. Do your best on what you do know and remember from class.
What about test anxiety?
Test anxiety! It is normal to be nervous. Just slow down and relax. Take a few deep breaths. Very few people get it all right. Remember: No one has ever died from taking the standardized test. Take the tests one day at a time.
Fight Test Anxiety! If you have a positive attitude going into the test, chances are you will do better. Having a positive attitude will only make you feel better.
What can I do to be physically ready? Get a good night’s sleep! You need to be rested and ready for the challenge of the new day. This does not mean sleep in and get to school late, it means go to bed earlier. Eat a good breakfast. Stay away from soda, candy and coffee. They will make you too hyper to take the test.
What is the Smarter Balance Field Test? www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKerb7NsDUE